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get usa number and forward to mexico 1 cent a minute

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get usa number and forward to mexico 1 cent a minute Empty Re: get usa number and forward to mexico 1 cent a minute

Post by dean Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:26 am

do you want a way to have a us number cheap and it forwards to where you are.
here is the one I use.. It costs USD$1.00 per month.

IE get a USA number that you can forward to your cell phone in the USA or to your home in Mexico or your cell phone in Mexico**. I have been using this for several months now and I am paying 1 cent a minute to forward a call from the USA to my Mexico landline. 'If you use this link and do sign up, i will get a small credit for you signing up. It really is the least expensive way I have found.

also here is the USA do not disturb list I add all my phone numbers too. Cell my usa tollfree and this one so telemarketers do not call. The nice thing about the top listed service is you have a written record of every call made to your number so you can also document a complaint. Complaints can be filed online at this government website too.

**It may be more expensive to forward to a Mexican cell phone. my guess is 2 cnts a minute??

They also include aps for making low cost calls from cell phones and such that I do not use. I just want a number based in the US that is stable and I can point to my cell phone or land line in the USA and be able to point it to my Mexico land line when in Mexico that people can call and is transparent.


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get usa number and forward to mexico 1 cent a minute Empty get usa number and forward to mexico 1 cent a minute

Post by dean Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:03 pm

this one gives you a usa number and forwards calls to mexico, cost is $3.00 set up and $1.00 a month and you are charged 1 cent a minute for incoming calls forwarded to your mexican land line.

Last edited by dean on Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:28 am; edited 2 times in total


Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01

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