police and other emergency numbers
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Re: police and other emergency numbers
La Paz Phone Numbers
Police, Fire Department,
Red Cross (emergency): 066
Highway Patrol/
Federal Police:
122 0369
IMSS Hospital: 122 7377
Fidepaz Clinic: 124 0400
COPT (Port Captain): 122
125 3493 or 124 6349
State Tourism Office: 124
0100 or 120 0199
Police, Fire Department,
Red Cross (emergency): 066
Highway Patrol/
Federal Police:
122 0369
IMSS Hospital: 122 7377
Fidepaz Clinic: 124 0400
COPT (Port Captain): 122
125 3493 or 124 6349
State Tourism Office: 124
0100 or 120 0199
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
Re: police and other emergency numbers
AMBULANCE Lupita......612-159-0468 (CELL)
POLICE 114-0433
CLINIC 114-0089
MEDICAL CENTER 612-124-1165 (English spoken) in La Paz
POLICE 114-0433
CLINIC 114-0089
MEDICAL CENTER 612-124-1165 (English spoken) in La Paz
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
Re: police and other emergency numbers
john m wrote:Crime Prevention: On March 6th, we spent an hour with the new El Sargento Commandant "Chon" discussing crime in our area. We learned that Mexican law is such that it is difficult to arrest and convict offenders. So we find ourselves in prevention mode: Neighborhood Watch, security systems and local responders (civilians) are all things we can do to make our community safer. Other items to be aware of:
• There is a new procedure to call the Police. Call the Station Duty Phone: 612-228-9321. When a policeman comes on duty he uses this phone for all calls and then passes it on to the next shift so there is continuity in response.
• Donations are now being accepted for overtime pay and other costs at the front desk at La Ventana Bay Properties in the Plaza del Teso. Your donations will help cover overtime for extra staff on weekends from 10pm-6am and overtime for Chon, who currently is on duty 24hrs Wed-Mon and is not paid overtime.
• VHF radio Channels 6,8 and 16 are for boating emergencies and are monitored by boaters
• Pepper spray can be purchased at the Military installation on Cinco de Mayo in La Paz
• Palapas Ventana donated some funds toward a mobile checkpoint for the south side of town. A trailer was also donated. These are great first steps and hopefully will lead to a safer town for all of us.
• Next Crime Prevention Meeting is Monday at 7pm at La Ventana Grande. All are welcome,
- There is a robbery
Hay un Robo - Meet me at Vien a
- Hay un Pistola
- Hay uncuchillo (knife) e.g.
Vien a La Ventana Grande Resort
El Sargento Station Duty Phone cell 612-228-9321 Emergencies now 911 O66
Los Planes Commandante - Chon cell 612-157-6038 Green Angels 078 01-800-987-8224
Los Planes Police 612 -114-0462
El Sargento Police 612 -114-0433 Baja Cal Highway Emerg Nos.
Ambulance 612 103 4277 Tijuana – Ensenada 01 800 990 3900
Purple Hospital 612 124 0400 El Hongo – La Rumorosa 01 800 990 3900
Green Hospital 612 175 0506 Tijuana – Tecate Toll Road 01 800 888 0911
John Mooney
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
Re: police and other emergency numbers
We have a new Commandante from Los Panes named Incarnacion nick-named "Chon". He will be in charge of our area now. His cell number is 612-157-6038. He will be at the Crime Prevention meeting Monday night at 7pm at LaVentana Grande (farmers market location).
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
Re: police and other emergency numbers
IN THE EVENT POLICE ARE NEEDED ..There is ONE number to call...612-114-4062 .. It's to the Los Planes Police station. They will dispatch the proper authorities. These are direct numbers for their cells. Jesus Gustavo 044-612-100-8383 // Virgilio Burgoin 044- 612-104-2522.
We need to report the problem in Spanish with a short sentence and a location. The police do not know where we live. Someone needs to meet the police at a prominent location they are familiar with near your property. That location could be a business (any restaurant, store, resort, gas station).
Make note of something to say in Spanish to report the incident. For example:
There is a robbery. Come to my house next to the cemetery (Hay un robo. Ven a mi casa cerca el cementerio)
There is a robbery. Come to Club Cerralvo. (Hay un robo. Ven a Club Cerralvo)
Go meet the police at that location. Or ask a neighbor to meet the police truck and bring them to your property.
If there is a gun involved say: There is a gun or a knife:(Hay un pistola or Hay un cuchillo)
Write this down and have it next to your cell phone or your home phone & in your pocket or purse.
According to the Gringo Gazette: “It’s Back To 911 Now that you’ve got the hang of dialing 066 when you need emergency services, delete that from your phone. We’re switching over to using 911 just like we’re used to in Canada and the United States. The entire country is in the process of switching over and January 9 it’s our state’s turn”
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
911 will be the new emergency number next year at some point
[size=68]Emergency? 911 will be the number to call[/size]
Mexico News Daily | Saturday, November 14, 2015
- See more at: http://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/emergency-911-will-be-the-number-to-call/#sthash.i3pDV3JH.dpuf
Police, fire, Red Cross and other numbers will migrate to the new number in 2016
Mexico News Daily | Saturday, November 14, 2015
The number for a new national emergency phone line will be 911, the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) announced this week.
One single number for all emergency calls was announced last November by President Enrique Peña Nieto as one of a series of measures in response to the Iguala-Ayotzinapa events of September 26 and 27. At the time it was to be 911.
But last April the federal Chamber of Deputies approved legislation to make 066 the official number.
Now 911 is back, and existing emergency numbers will be required to migrate to it. Those include 060 for local police, 061 for state and Federal District judicial police, 065 for the Red Cross, 066 for the national system for citizen emergencies, 068 for fire emergencies and 080 for security and emergency calls.
The new number, for both fixed line and mobile telephones, is to begin operating early next year.
It will be managed by the executive secretariat of the National Public Security System.
Telecommunications service providers will be required to provide free access to the emergency number.
- See more at: http://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/emergency-911-will-be-the-number-to-call/#sthash.i3pDV3JH.dpuf
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
Re: police and other emergency numbers
this is todos santos but much applies to us too.
Policia Ministerio are the detectives who investigate crime scenes. Formal Denunicas are made here, 9-3 Mon thru Fri. If crime is violent (ie assault, rape) they are supposed to inform you that you can make a formal denuncia in their office during weekend hours. I recommend you make the denuncia ASAP to start the legal process. Request to make the denuncia in Todos Santos and, if they don't comply, go to La Paz.
For Official Denuncias if not done in Todos Santos:
Policia Ministerial y Ministerios Publicos Colosio y Alvarez Rico (next to the prison), La Paz. 125-7541, 125-7540, 122-6610, 122-1399. 8:00 – 4:00 (After 4pm there is just one person to take denuncias)
S.A.M.M. (Subprocuraduria de Atencion a la Mujer y al Menor). For crimes against women and children. Personnel are trained, and sensitive to women in crisis. Sinaloa s/n (next to the Tutelar para Menores), La Paz. 612-165-4250, 124-3233. Monday – Friday 8:00-3:00 and 5:00-8:00. I was told their office is also open Sat and Sun, same hours.
Procuraduria General de Justicia del Estado If there is no action in your file after a couple of weeks, call this office to register a complaint, 122 2230, 125-3514, 122-0287. Lunes a Viernes 8-8, Sabado 8-3. You will need your Averiguacion Previa number from your denuncia.
Comision Nacional de los Derechos Humanos. Mutualismo #460 e/Bravo y Rosales behind skate park next to Applebee restaurant on the Malecon. Col Centro CP 23000. La Paz 612-129-4437 or 01 800 838 43 77
Private Center for Women in Domestic Abuse or Rape, Centro Mujeres La Paz, Marquez de Leon 480-B entre Serdan Y Revolucion, La Paz, 612 122-3570 or 612-122-3342. Teresa Shields fluent in Spanish and English, well informed. Therapy and counseling offered.
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
Re: police and other emergency numbers
Here are the telephone numbers for our local police. Please note that if you call 066, they will merely dictate the following numbers for you to call, since they don't have the ability to forward your calls to your local stations. They do have radios at the stations to call a patrol car, the local police state.
El Sargento "Comandancia": 114-0433
Los Planes "Comandancia": 114-4062
El Sargento "Comandancia": 114-0433
Los Planes "Comandancia": 114-4062
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
Re: police and other emergency numbers
from the baja citizen http://www.bajacitizen.com/Editions/september52011.pdf
La Paz Phone Numbers
Fire Department,
Red Cross (emergency): 066
Highway Patrol/
Federal Police:
122 0369
IMSS Hospital: 122 7377
Fidepaz Clinic: 124 0400
COPT (Port Capt ain): 122
125 3493 or 124 6349
State Tourism Office: 124
0100 or 120 0199
La Paz Phone Numbers
Fire Department,
Red Cross (emergency): 066
Highway Patrol/
Federal Police:
122 0369
IMSS Hospital: 122 7377
Fidepaz Clinic: 124 0400
COPT (Port Capt ain): 122
125 3493 or 124 6349
State Tourism Office: 124
0100 or 120 0199
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
Re: police and other emergency numbers
Today Larry and I talked with the comandante and a police detective from La Paz, and they gave us these phone numbers in case we see bandidos, they can also help people that need it. Paty
Policia preventiva. 114 41 89
Comandante Juan Alvarez cel 612 153 19 27
Agente de Investigacion Fernando Meza cel 612 100 90 93
Policia Preventiva, Comandante Benjamin cel 612 141 08 15
Today Larry and I talked with the comandante and a police detective from La Paz, and they gave us these phone numbers in case we see bandidos, they can also help people that need it. Paty
Policia preventiva. 114 41 89
Comandante Juan Alvarez cel 612 153 19 27
Agente de Investigacion Fernando Meza cel 612 100 90 93
Policia Preventiva, Comandante Benjamin cel 612 141 08 15
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
Re: police and other emergency numbers
Important Phone Numbers in Mexico
Red Cross
Cruz Roja
(52) 5557-5757/58/59
Rescue and Medical Emergencies Squad
Escuadron de Rescates y Urgencias Medicas (ERUM)
(52) 5722-8805
Civil Protection
Protección Civil
(52) 5683-1154/1142/2838/1533
Missing Persons
(52) 5658-1111
Electric Company
Compañia de Luz y Fuerza del Centro
D.F.: (52) 5629-7171
Edo. de México: (52) 5228-7600
Blood Banks
Bancos de Sangre
(52) 5782-1088, ext. 4503/4202
(52) 5538-6579, 5627-6900, ext. 2613
Youth Integration Center
Addiction Prevention and Treatment
Centro de Integracion Juvenil:
Prevencion y Tratamiento de Adicciones
24 Hours
(52) 5212-1212
(Police, Ambulance, Fire)
ABC Hospital
Emergency: 5230-8161/62/63/64
Switchboard: 5230-8000
Red Cross Hospital
Switchboard: 5580-0070
Ambulances: 5557-5757, 5395-1111
Bosques: 5570-2011
South: 5660-4639
North: 5787-1540
Federal Highway Police
Policia Federal de Caminos
(52) 5677-2227
Public Safety Headquarters
Seguridad Publica Oficina Central
(52) 5242-5100
Forest Fires
Incendios Forestales
(52) 5554-0612, 5658-3215
Anti-Rabies Center
Centro Antirrabico
(52) 5607-4093/4658
AIDS Support
Telsida y Conasida
(52) 5666-7432
Tourist Safety
Infotur Seguridad Turística
(52) 5250-0123, 01-800-5903-9200
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
police and other emergency numbers
There are two telephone numbers that they want us to use to report a robbery. If the robbery just occurred, call the emergency number 066. To file a report about a theft that has occurred, call 114 41 89 (the Oficina de Administracion Publico) to make an appointment to file the report. They are short staffed, but making the appointment will be more efficient and effective.
One important suggestion from the police and subdelegado is to photograph your possessions to have a record of what you own. In case you are robbed, you will be able to accurately describe your property when you file the report.
via twoamegos
One important suggestion from the police and subdelegado is to photograph your possessions to have a record of what you own. In case you are robbed, you will be able to accurately describe your property when you file the report.
via twoamegos
Last edited by dean on Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
dean- Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01
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