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fill out and print your customs declaration form before you

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fill out and print your customs declaration form before you  Empty tourist visa

Post by dean Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:19 pm

Wanted to share some visa information for those with expired FMM’s. I got my new tourist visa today at La Paz immigration after mine expired in March. It was super easy and completely free, I got another 180 days. You just need to go to this website and fill out the form: Check the images on this post what else to do, you will need to print all these documents as well. I recommend going as soon as they open (9am) so you will be able to get it the same day. I will post the text for the letter in a comment so it’s easy to copy. Here is to another 6 months in beautiful Baja!

fill out and print your customs declaration form before you  10096110

fill out and print your customs declaration form before you  10099110


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fill out and print your customs declaration form before you  Empty Re: fill out and print your customs declaration form before you

Post by dean Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:57 pm

for usa one..
The Mobile Passport app speeds you through U.S. Customs and Border Protection at 1 cruise port and 20 airports. Just fill out your profile and answer CBP’s questions – then go straight to the “Mobile Passport Control” express lane at the airport!


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fill out and print your customs declaration form before you  Empty fill out and print your customs declaration form before you

Post by dean Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:42 pm

fill out and print your customs declaration form before you arrive in Mexico...

fill it out, submit it as you arrive by plane in Mexico.


Posts : 5581
Join date : 2008-01-01

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