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immigration and what can be brought in at the border

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immigration and what can be brought in at the border Empty how much wine is allowed

Post by dean Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:32 am

Yes. It is six bottles of wine (3 litros) per person.


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immigration and what can be brought in at the border Empty Re: immigration and what can be brought in at the border

Post by dean Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:04 am


  • Firearms and ammunition. In order to import firearms and cartridges you must secure an import permit from the Ministry of Economy and from the Ministry of National Defense.


In accordance with the Law of the General Taxes of Import and Export, the following products are prohibited for the import and/or export: 

  • Alive predator fish, in their states of young fish, youthful and adult.
  • Totoaba, fresh or cooled (fish).
  • Frozen Totoaba (fish).
  • Turtle eggs or any class.
  • Poppy seeds (Narcotic).
  • Flour of poppy seeds (Narcotic).
  • Seeds and spores of marijuana (Cannabis indica), even though when they are mixed with other seeds.
  • Marijuana (Cannabis indica).
  • Juice and extracts of opium, prepared to smoke.
  • Extracts and juice derived from marijuana (Cannabis indica).
  • Mucilage and condensed products derived from the marijuana (Cannabis indica).
  • Stamps or printed transfers in colors or in black and white, displayed for their sale in envelopes or packages, even when they include chewing gum, candies or any other type of articles, containing drawings, figures or illustrations that represent childhood in a degrading or ridiculous way, on attitudes of incitement to violence, to self-destruction or in any other form of antisocial behavior, known like Garbage Pail Kids, for example, printed by any company or commercial denomination.
  • Thallium sulfate.
  • Insecticide (Isodrin or Aldrin).
  • Insecticide (Heptaclor or Drinox).
  • Insecticide (Endrin or Mendrin or Nendrin or Hexadrin).
  • Insecticide (Leptophos).
  • Heroin, base or hydrochloride of diacetylmorphine. 
  • Medication prepared with marijuana (Cannabis indica).
  • Medication prepared with acetylmorphine or of its salts or derivatives.
  • Skins of turtle or doggerhead turtle.
  • Goods that have been declared as archaeological monuments by the Secretariat of Public Education.


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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immigration and what can be brought in at the border Empty Otay Mesa

Post by dean Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:52 am

Otay Mesa is real easy.this one is easy very safe because it is controlled access if you go into the declare. there is a lot of parking.   but you have to get a inspection from the customs office to get out of the lot. 

Just walk back and the IMM office is right there and  bank there too.


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immigration and what can be brought in at the border Empty Re: immigration and what can be brought in at the border

Post by dean Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:48 am

the new crossing at San Ysidro is easy, just park right after the inspection and walk back 100 yards to the north west.   there is a bank 50 feet away to pay.  so as you cross the border be in the middle lane, ans you see the lanes for declare be in the one to the left nothing to declare, and right after the area for customs park right there, plenty of room even for big rvs.   walk back 100 yards to the north west where the offices are.   

Just went south at new border crossing at San Ysidro in January and it was great.   Hard right and hard left and a 31 foot RV was no problem.   Got bumped into secondary no issues.     Immigration you park just up ahead and walk back, very clean bathrooms at immigration.      

be in the middle lanes and in the nothing to declare be in the furthust to the right as you ger past thered green go light park right after where I have the  green x.     Then walk back to the IMM office I have marked it is very safe parking there.   

immigration and what can be brought in at the border Tj_imm10

then as you depart the signage is well marked and be in the right lane and first exit to the right.   and as you go on this section of the border fence on the right do not pull over for any police, you are allowed to continue to the toll booth 10 miles ahead before you have to stop.    Police are not to pull over americans or canadians on that stretch of the road.    This was instituted by the Mayor of TJ because of fake pull overs.   There are two turns you will need to make which I have documented with pictures on this forum.


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immigration and what can be brought in at the border Empty tecate IMM info

Post by dean Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:09 pm


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immigration and what can be brought in at the border Empty immigration and what can be brought in at the border

Post by dean Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:40 am

(2) The INM in Tecate is just over the border crossing heading south, pretty well marked. It's on the right. Closed after 11 PM.
    If you're headed south thru Tecate, park in the parking lot of the store on the right JUST before the border crossing; and buy something so you're legit; walk thru the turnstile, get your ticket punched eg sign up for a tourist visa (that you'll pay a bank for later) or show them your passport or your FM3 or whatever; then walk back into the USA to get your car . The path back to the USA is somewhat circuitous but it's marked; you cross the street to walk through the USA Border Patrol / Customs building, and show the USA officials your passport. Just a suggestion.
    If you're going north thru Tecate, just leave Mexico after waiting in line in your car; drive around to that store with the parking lot I just described, and do pretty much the same thing. There doesn't seem to be any way to conduct any of this business while you are still in Mexico! Somebody else should write in to say if there is an easier way to do either of these tasks.  richard808 at gmail dahtt com    Richard Katz Buenavista

Last edited by dean on Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:04 am; edited 4 times in total


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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