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south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty Re: south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

Post by dean Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:52 am


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty Re: south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

Post by dean Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:53 am


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty Re: south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

Post by dean Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:37 am

they will be closed for 52 hours in September....   they will be rerouting the traffic to the next phase.  

 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Syconstructionphase32


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty here is where you can park and get visa at TJ An Ysidro cros

Post by dean Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:37 pm

here is the location of the building to get your tourist card/visa after the inspection station.  Here is where I parked before.   then walk back to the building I circled, it has a bank to pay also, and a nice washroom.   It is not a dedicated parking area but they do not stop you from parking there.    

 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Tj10


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty facebook link

Post by dean Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:58 am


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty Re: south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

Post by dean Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:20 pm


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty Re: south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

Post by dean Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:30 pm

Just went south at new border crossing at San Ysidro and it was great.   Hard right and hard left and a 31 foot RV was no problem.   Got bumped into secondary no issues.     Immigration you park just up ahead and walk back, very clean bathrooms at immigration.      

be in the middle lanes and in the nothing to declare be in the furthest to the right as you get past the red green go light park right after where I have the  green x.        Then walk back to the IMM office I have marked it is very safe parking there.   


then as you depart the signage is well marked and be in the right lane and first exit to the right.   and as you go on this section of the border fence on the right do not pull over for any police, you are allowed to continue to the toll booth 10 miles ahead before you have to stop.    Police are not to pull over americans or canadians on that stretch of the road.    This was instituted by the Mayor of TJ because of fake pull overs.   There are two turns you will need to make which I have documented with pictures on this forum somewhere.

also I saw on the USA side a (pretty sure) Banomex so would be interesting to hear how the American branch interfaces with the Mexican one is someone is in the know.  

Rest of the road was in great shape and you can get all the way around the Wal-Mart Costco section of Ensenada going north by turning before them to the left right after the military base and follow that road around . Saves time and so many lights and so on.

see the yellow lined area on the left.    that is where the new location is.   it is completed and open.   Just a good birds eye view i why I posted it. .  
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Last edited by dean on Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:23 am; edited 6 times in total


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty fmm procedure

Post by dean Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:11 am

a. We crossed the border on Thursday, early afternoon. Nothing new to add. After our SUV was inspected we drove to an uncovered parking area and were escorted to the offices which are on the right side of the inspection area. First stop is the "bank" where you fill out the FMM. They take US$ or pesos, enter data from the passport and print out two pages. Next go to the office where they keep one page and stamp the FMM. Very efficient - easier and quicker than the old border crossing.


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty new TJ crossing update

Post by dean Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:34 am

the view

Monday, Nov. 5 -- We crossed into Mexico this morning at 10:30 am. Bottom line, quick and easy, and issuing FMM visas for tourists and holders of FM3 and FM2s. At the border at the end of Calif. I-5, we made a sharp right turn to the west, then after 0.2 miles a sharp left into some 20 or so entry lanes. I entered a center one and was directed a short distance ahead into one of many covered inspection stations. A young lady asked for our passports and car registration. She checked the passport name against the car registration name, and the registration VIN # against the number on the metal plate on the dash. Then she asked me to unlock the hood so she could inspect underneath. When I heard the rear hatch go up, I got out and found another agent looking in our luggage. When I explained we owned a home near LaPaz and would stay there for 6 months, the inspection ended. (The hood was never lifted and 50 miles later I noticed it bouncing up an down a centimeter or so and stopped to secure it.) Next we were directed ahead to an uncovered parking area. From there it was a short walk back to the immigration offices. We filled in FMMs, paid the tourist fee of $29 at a teller window a few steps down a large hallway, and then took the receipts back to the first office to get our visas stamped PAID. Our traveling partners took the far right lane for "declaraciones" and parked by a blue fence next to the immigration offices. After paying FMM fees they circled back to the entry lanes, went through a brief inspection and joined us in the parking area. That was faster and better for trailers and large RVs. The exit from the parking area is to the right. Get in the right lane and take the ramp up and over the river bed and back north to the highway along the border to the toll road. The toll for cars this year is 30 pesos. Even though offices were being painted and it was obvious many people were new to the job, entry to Mexico was quick and easy and immigration people were friendly and helpful. I'm writing from El Rosario. The road was in excellent condition, gas plentiful, and very little traffic. It was great to be on the Baja highway traveling 50-60 mph instead of fighting 8 lanes of cars going 80 mph on I-5. Tom Spradley

I talked to Doug M. who was with Tom S. as they were crossing the new El Chaparral border crossing this morning. Below is his report about how the crossing works.

The new El Chaparral border crossing into Tijuana opened Thursday Nov. 1 2012 and is much easier to navigate and to take care of your FMM visa and bank fee than the old crossing. and 200 customs inspectors. To access the new border crossing from Hwy. 5 you will be directed to take a very sharp cubing 5 lane that curves from Hwy. 5 right at the border near the old crossing. This road heads west for 0.2 miles parallel to the border inside of Mexico. Then it makes a left into the new border crossing which you can see in the bottom photo below.

1. As you approach the new crossing look for a sign saying "Declaración" and park. Bring with you 1. $24.50 UDS or pesos. 2. Car registration, 3. Driver License. 4. Passport
2. Enter the building and walk pass the sign for saying Banco". Ahead you will see "Inmigración"
3. There fill out the FMM visa form. Take the completed form to the Banco and pay your $24.50 UDS or pesos.
4. Return to the "Inmigración" to get your form stamped.
5. Return to you car and leave. Doug reports that as of Nov. 4 there were no signs of the old green light red light inspection stop.
6. Leaving the crossing take the "A Playas de Tijuana, Rosarito Y Ensenada turn off over the dry river bed. This will merge with the old route running parallel to the border and on to Hwy 1D toll road to Ensenada.

Mike Godsey


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty video of the update

Post by dean Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:17 pm


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty Re: south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

Post by dean Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:07 pm

baja nomad
Need Plan B - No FMM At Chaparral Until 11/5/12

Well based on the latest from Baja Bound - that the immigration office at the new El Chaparral north to south crossing will not open until November 5th, I guess it is time to come up with “plan B”, since the old crossing with the immigration office and bank is now closed most of the time, and my wife and I are planning on crossing for our trip to Asuncion this Sunday November 4th.

We have never crossed at Otay Mesa or Tecate – I have seen some posts about getting the FMM in Tecate, and my main question regarding that option is – is the bank in Tecate that is nearest the immigration office going to be open on Sunday to allow us to have our FMM validated (we plan to cross about mid-day Sunday)?

I have seen no prior Baja Nomad posts about getting the FMM at Otay Mesa – is it convenient and straight forward there (do you park in secondary as with the now closed San Ysidro crossing, is the immigration office close by and easy to find, and again is there a bank open on Sunday nearby, etc)? Then the other concern with this option is how easy or difficult is it to get from Otay Mesa through Tijuana to the toll road south, etc?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions and help deciding on our “plan B”- it is much appreciated.

another.. this is very good news for the future, on the maps I could see some parking after customs, so you will be able to park there after the 5th and walk back a short distance to the border to get your FMM documents.

again from nomads

If they are only using El Chaparral, the Immigration officer I spoke to said to go ahead and cross, then park in the El Chaparral facility. For those who are new to El Chaparral, it is set up differently from Puerto Mexico/San Ysidro. As soon as you cross into Mexico, the El Chaparral facility has parking spots that you drive past. She told me you may park there and then walk to the Puerto Mexico/San Ysidro border crossing. (Ask around how to walk back there, I'm not clear on how to find it exactly.)


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty updated TJ crossing

Post by dean Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:13 pm

this should be much better for merging with the traffic, as the bridge appears to put you in the right side, vs the old way of merging into the fast lane.

 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro 508898cf6e37f.preview-620
TIJUANA — Mexican customs inspectors processed passenger vehicles at the El Chaparral port of entry for the first time on Wednesday morning, seven days before its scheduled formal opening on Nov. 1.

The new lanes are located west of the current southbound access lanes at Puerta Mexico. El Chaparral will triple the southbound inspection capacity of the world’s busiest land border crossing.

At 11 a.m., Mexican customs inspectors stood at the end of Interstate 5 and waved southbound cars toward the new facility -- down a sharp curve at the end of the freeway that leads to Mexico’s five-lane access road running west along the U.S. border fence.

Traffic at the new port was light at the time, and there were more inspectors than vehicles. Some of them waited at the secondary inspection station, carrying small hand-held computers in preparation for searching vehicles that received a red-light warning at the initial stop.

On the way out, new signs pointed the way to different parts of Tijuana.
this is present stage.... south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro MAP-Chaparral

 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro GSA-fact-sheet-new-San-Ysidro-pedestrian-crossing-and-curve
 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro El-Chaparral-plan-Mexican-government-slide

 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Post-231-0-02272800-1346553301_thumb

interactive one future
 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Newbordercrossing_sanysidro_tijuana_1280x712
 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro 6020676096_05fb3033e6


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty San Ysidro border crossing immigration office moved

Post by dean Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:10 pm

baja insider road report

at the San Ysidro border crossing into Tijuana.

The immigration office, which has been in the same location for the past four years, has apparently been moved. Previously located just inside the pedestrian gate leading from San Ysidro to Tijuana, it is now located down an outside sidewalk just to the south of the old office. When we knocked on the old office door, someone stuck their head out of the adjacent gate, saw our passports, and beckoned us to follow him down the sidewalk.


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty Re: south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

Post by dean Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:38 am

also a quick note to get back to this site if you are traveling, all you have to do is type and you get to the first page. that is la hyphen then go to travel, by land.

and remember almost all mcDonalds have free internet on the road as well as starbucks in the USA.


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty Re: south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

Post by dean Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:17 pm

and lastly disclosure, I do not warrant these are perfect, just pretty good...


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty first turn

Post by dean Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:33 pm

as you leave the inspection areas take a right turn it is well marked, this will merge you into the road to ensenada coast HW1.  Remember do not stop on this road till you hit a toll booth if a police officer is trying to pull you over.   

 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Genera11

Below, after a few miles along the US border it will move away from the border and you will be
heading downhill, you will need to be in the right lane. You can see two different direction signs
that are not the same to add a bit of confusion. Just be in the right lane and take that right while
going down the hill as shown with the arrow. 

 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Downhi10

below is a close-up of the second sign, so again be in the right lane while going down the
hill and take this right. 

 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Downhi11

below you will see this sign in the distance, because this is up a steep hill
be in the left lane by the time you get to this sign. It can be very difficult
to get to the left lane after this. Specially with a rv or large trailer. I
know, ended up forced to the right one time and very difficult to get back
on the correct road after this.
 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Beach_10

Below is 100 yards or so from the above sign... again you wanted to be in the
left lane by the time you hit the sign.... veer to the left here or you end up on
the beach this is a couple hundred yards from above sign. You are now on
the toll road. 
 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Beach_11

you will hit a toll booth in a few miles, just continue on to Ensenada there will be 2-3 tolls. remember to save your toll receipts as when you pay it includes insurances, what i have heard is towing and accident. so save that receipt...

Last edited by dean on Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:44 am; edited 11 times in total


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 south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro Empty south to ensenada from TJ crossing San Ysidro

Post by dean Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:28 pm

directions from TJ -San Ysidro border to ensenada for intelligent people...  not for dummies.

Here is the general map of TJ crossing at 5.       A general rule I have read is first only cross during daylight.   and second do not stop after you have exited the customs area for anything.       I have read this:  (so it is your choice to decide what you would do, but I will tell you this is what I would do)  If a police car or police lights are pulling you over in this section, for your safety you do not stop till you are at the first toll booth.    

there are three turns you must make (noted with the red curved arrows) and they are easy if you have this information....     thanks to google for these pictures.

Last edited by dean on Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:37 am; edited 15 times in total


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