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Immigration Update

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Immigration Update Empty Re: Immigration Update

Post by dean Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:10 am

surviving yucatan wrote:Despite last month's early higher 'predictions' (aka rumors), the Mexican minimum wage for Mexico City is increasing to only $88.36 pesos diarios.
Effective Dec. 1, 2017, the daily salario minimo for Mexico City increases just 3.9%, while inflation has been officially pegged at 6% for the previous year => Mexican workers pay is losing ground.
Next: Note that this Mexico City rate is the official value used for calculating INM Resident visa income requirements etc.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Financial Independence (Savings or Income or Property) Requirements for Permanent Residency / Residente Permanente Applicants
… Average Monthly Balance of about $94,000 USD (exactly $1,767,200 pesos) at $19:1 MXN:USD for Residente Permanente ... per 10/10/14 DOF Lineamientos for Mexican Consulates.
Using Method of Regular Deposits of Income or Pension Receipts: (Residente Permanente)
~ Have minimum monthly (investment account or work?) income deposits or pension deposits that are the equivalent of five hundred days worth of the current minimum wage ($88.36 for 2018) in the Federal District, for each of the previous six months – with original and copies of original bank statement. This translates to:
… about $2,100 USD (exactly $44,180 pesos for 2018) a month of regular deposits for one Residente Permanente.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Using Method of Monthly Deposits of Income or Pension Receipts: (Resident Temporal)
~ Have minimum pension or salary deposits/income that is the equivalent of Monthly income of 300 days minimum wage of the current minimum wage in the Federal District ($88.36 pesos per day for 2018) ... $26,508 pesos or about $1,400 US a month in deposits, reported for each of the previous six months – with original and copies of original bank statement for one Residente Temporal.
Current 2018 DF general minimum wages of $88.36 MXN pesos per day, converted at the current exchange rate of 19:1 pesos to US dollars, for 300 days of wages:
~ About $1,400 USD (exactly $26,508 pesos) per month ~ in 2018 of regular Deposits ~ to qualify for Residente Temporal ... per the 10/10/2014 Lineamientos for Mexican Consulates.
Residente Temporal Income or Deposits or Bank Balance Requirements for Family Members of a Mexican Citizen:
Using average minimum required monthly Account balance for 6 months: 300 days x $88.36 MW = $26,508 pesos for Residente Temporal applicants.
Using minimum required monthly pension or income: 100 days x $88.36 MW = $8,836 pesos of 2018 monthly pension income (or generic income deposits at some INM offices) for Residente Temporal applicants, documented by 6 months of Bank statements (about $470 USD @ 19:1).
Using Method of Owning Real Estate Property in Mexico: (Residente Temporal)
~ Own/have real property trustee rights, with a value equivalent to forty thousand days of general minimum wage in the Federal District, with original and copy of written proof from a Notario. At the current $19:1 MXN:USD exchange rate, this translates to:
… About $187,000 USD (exactly $3,534,400 pesos) worth of property for one Residente Temporal.
Full Details can be found at:
• ~ Current Rules and Procedures for Immigration, Visiting, and Staying in Mexico


Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01

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Immigration Update Empty Mexican Visas and Immigration

Post by dean Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:24 am


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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Immigration Update Empty Immigration Update

Post by covertcode Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:21 am

Immigration Update - Today I bring you two friendly reminders: if you are an FM2 holder or plan on applying for or renewing a working visa please read the following:

FM2 Holder I would assume that all FM2 holders are aiming at upgrading to an inmigrado status (permanent resident) after four consecutive renewals, so you never have to renew anything again. If that's your case, then do not submit any of your renewals late, not even one day late. If you submit your FM2 renewal paperwork after the expiration date on the back of the card, immigration will take away any accumulated years thus far and your four year count starts all over again.

Working Visas If you're currently outside of Mexico and will be traveling this upcoming season and plan on possibly applying for a working visa, then this is for you: If you plan on working as an independent contractor, such as an artist, musician, English teacher, massage therapist, kite surfer instructor, real estate agent etc. you need to prove to immigration that you are certified in that specific field. You don's necessarily need to have a BS degree; a certificate of completion is fine. Just for the record, immigration likes any document that resembles a diploma /certificate (w/ the fancy margins around) rather than a pocket size license card. So before coming to Mexico, if you're in the USA, take your diploma style-document to your nearest notary get it notarized then take it to the Secretary of State and get it apostille (this step is very important). If you're in Canada, take your document to the nearest Mexican consulate office and get the document rectified, in other words, have them put a stamp on it.

I thought I would bring this up because this is a major problem that I see constantly when helping people with their working visas as independent contractors. They forget or didn't know they needed this requirement and they end up having someone back-home do all the leg-work for them after they get here, so I wrote this to avoid that. All the other requirements needed are done here in Mexico.

There are other ways of getting working visas. For example, people that have their own Mexican corporations don't need diplomas. However if you're going to be sponsored/hired by a corporation or an private individual and the job-role requires an expertise, then you'll need it. If the job-role does not require you to be an expert in the field, e.g. manager, you don't need any certificate. - Francisco Gonzalez ,,, 612-158-5776, La Paz


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-07-03

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