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blood donations

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blood donations Empty Re: blood donations

Post by dean Sat Nov 04, 2017 10:38 pm

The requirements for giving blood or blood platelets are somewhat stringent:
Minimum weight of 110 lbs.
Minimum height 4’ – 11”
Age from 18 to 65 years
Date of last donation: 8 weeks
Not having ingested alcoholic beverages in the last 48 hours
If you are taking medication (tell the doctor)
Without deep cavities
Three pregnancies maximum
Have slept 6 consecutive hours (last 24 hours)
Fast of 4 hrs. (you can consume before donating: liquids, fruits, natural juices) do not consume fatty foods prior to the donation

Genital herpes
Sexual risk practices
Cancer or diabetes
Users of intravenous drugs
Malaria in the last 5 years
Heart Disease (heart attacks)
Epilepsies or seizures

Injuries or symptoms of infection; sore throat, diarrhea, flu, fever
Pregnant women, nursing
Active allergies

Syphilis or gonorrhea
Contact with patients with hepatitis (report to the doctor)
Application of gamma globulin
Tattoos, acupuncture, various perforations
Transfusion of blood components and derivatives
Organ transplants

Major surgery (3 months for minor surgery)

Application of vaccines, smallpox, measles, tetanus, rubella

Dental extractions


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blood donations Empty Donor Requirements:

Post by dean Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:42 pm

Donor Requirements:
• Weight at least 110 pounds
• Measure at least 4’11”
• Ages 18 to 65
• 45 days or more from last donation
• No alcohol or medications in the last 48 hours
• No cavities
• Up to 3 months pregnant
• Slept 6 consecutive hours
• Arrive with an empty stomach (only liquids/juice)

People with the following history can’t be donors:
• Homosexuals
• STD herpes
• HIV+
• Bisexuals
• Cancer or diabetes
• Promiscuous heterosexuals
• Prostitute men or women
• Paid donors
• Intravenous drug use
• Malaria in the last 5 years
• Hepatitis at any stage in life
• Heart problems (insufficiency, hypertension, attacks)
• Epilepsy or convulsive crisis

Wear Long Pants!

You cannot donate if presently:
• Have infection symptoms (diarrhea, fever, cough, flu)
• Are taking medication
• Women are in their period
• Women more than 3 months pregnant, lactating or that just had a baby
• Have active allergies In the last year
• Had syphilis or gonorrhea
• Been in contact with a person with hepatitis
• Had gamma-globulin applied
• Had tattoos, acupuncture or diverse punctures/piercings
• Blood transfusions or derivatives
• Organ transplant
• Rabies or hepatitis B shots In the last 6 months
• Major surgery (3 months for minor) In the last 28 days
• Smallpox, tetanus, measles shots In the last 72 hours
• Dental extractions

The address is here in La Paz, At Centro Estatal de las Transfusion Sanguinea,
Bravo 1010, Esq. Josefa Ortiz de D.
Torre del Hospital Juan Ma. Salvatierra
Tel: (612) 12 54011
La Paz, B,C,S.


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blood donations Empty BPE Announcing the Creation of a Blood Donor Data Base

Post by dean Wed May 11, 2011 1:37 pm

Announcing the Creation of a Blood Donor Data Base

From the tragic case of Jeff Niemi, we’ve learned some things about our wonderful, supportive community: there are many people willing to donate blood, but there is a 24 – 48 hour lapse between accident and receipt of blood. We want to create a list of eligible, willing donors. Including their blood type, contact info, and months of the year they’re in residence. If Char has this data in her computer, volunteers can immediately call those with the needed blood type. We will update the list every few months.
Please send your names and the above info to: If you do not know your blood type, you can have it tested at AmeriMed here in LB on Saturdays for 200 pesos. Or have it done in the US at your next doctor appointment. It’s important to know when you need it yourself!

For review, here are the Mexican eligibility requirements:
1. General good health
2. Between ages 10 – 65

Ineligibility factors:
1. Kidney or liver disease
2. HIV
3. Viral hepatitis
4. Cancer or blood disorder
5. Heart disease
6. Certain medications

This data base hopefully will include donors from Todos Santos, La Paz, and the entire Cape region.

In addition to donors, we will need volunteers, willing to learn the nitty-gritty details, to man the phones when an accident occurs. Send me your names, too!
Data Base #2 for Emergency Info

In an emergency, having critical information available to the responding crews and hospitals is invaluable. Char is asking that people come into the clinic and fill out a form for this data base only. A form will be available by e-mail for those who have already left for the summer. The information on the form will include emergency contact numbers, medical information, allergies, medications, blood type, insurance, address and phone numbers.
Questions to ask yourself: if you are brought unconscious to the clinic or taken to the hospital, how do we contact your family members in the States? What is your medical history? What meds do you need? This information could save your life!

Charlene D. Wenger RN, ARNP
East Cape Health Center
Comprehensive Health Services for the Community
Ph: Medical / Ambulance 141-0797 Dental 141-0375
mai cell 624-157-0081
Ph: 624-141-0797 email:

Spanish Version

Anunciando la Creación de una Base de Datos de Donantes de Sangre.

Después de la tragedia que le ocurrió a Jeff Niemi, aprendimos varias cosas de nuestra increíble y unida comunidad: hay mucha gente dispuesta a donar sangre, pero hay un lapso de 24 – 48 horas entre el accidente y la recepción de sangre. Queremos crear una lista de donantes voluntarios, que incluya su tipo de sangre, contacto, y disponibilidad durante el año. Si Amerimed cuenta con estos datos en su computadora, se puede inmediatamente llamar a las personas que tengan el tipo de sangre que se necesita. Actualizaremos la lista de donantes constantemente.
Te invitamos a enviar sus nombres, contacto, tipo de sangre a: Si no sabes tu tipo de sangre, puedes solicitarla haciéndote un examen en Amerimed oficina de Los Barriles los Sabados por $200.00 pesos.

Requisitos de elegibilidad de donantes:

1. Buena Salud en general
2. Entre 10 – 65 años de edad

No elegible si:

1. Enfermedad del Riñon o Higado
4. Cancer o problemas en la sangre
5. Problemas del Corazon
6. Bajo medicamentos

Esperamos que esta base de datos incluya donantes desde Todos Santos, La Paz, y toda la región de Punta del Este.
Puedes protegerte en caso de un accidente al registrarte como paciente en AmeriMed.


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blood donations Empty From Dr. Ponce

Post by dean Fri May 06, 2011 7:03 am

Dr. Alejandra Ponce has gotten back to me. She found a website that is in English and very good.

we should note the things in red are only recent updates they do not mean critical or more important that red would normally indicate.

I read through the criteria and pretty much these were the things they were asking at the LaPaz location. The only ones I see missing is the drinking alcohol for 24 hrs, female during menstruation, a large number of different sexual partners in the last 5 years or alternative sexual relations, and age was over 65 are not accepted in LaPaz. recent tatoos, they also ask where you have lived and where you have been vacationing which probably follow the restrictions as noted in the san diego one.

there were two criteria to one for the platelets and one for blood, not sure which is which, will clarify later, no asprin for 36 hours disqualified one person for platelets, and so on, dental work in the recent days, also at least 6 hours of sleep that night, i am confident can not be diabetic, the cabo link had a good list for blood and there were more for me to qualify for the platelets.


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blood donations Empty Re: blood donations

Post by dean Thu May 05, 2011 9:14 am

b. Note from a donor:
We drove to La Paz today to give blood at the blood bank and were turned away because we had drank alcohol in the last 24 hrs. . We were upset that we couldn't give and just want to post an FYI for anyone who goes to the blood bank in La Paz to be aware of their conditions so you won't go for not. Be sure you haven't drank any alcohol in the last 24 hrs, that you haven't had any surgery or tattoo's in the last 90 days, that you have not eaten in 4 hrs and if your female that you are not menstruating. We know the importance of donating blood for Jeff right now and just want anyone that is willing to be able to do so.

from the link
What if I'm taking aspirin or medication prescribed by my doctor?

Aspirin and ibuprofen will not affect a whole blood donation. Apheresis platelet donors, however, must not take aspirin or aspirin products 36 hours prior to donation. Many other medications are acceptable. It is recommended that you call the donor center ahead of time to inquire about any medications you are taking.

What are the minimum requirements to become a blood donor?

Be in general good health no heart, liver or lung disease for example, between 18 and 65 years old, having a weight over 110 lbs, with out taking any medication, women shouldn’t be pregnant or with the period, do not use any drug, without drinking alcohol in last 24 hours.

Last edited by dean on Mon May 09, 2011 6:17 pm; edited 2 times in total


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blood donations Empty blood donations

Post by dean Wed May 04, 2011 8:23 pm

for cabo

or for LaPaz

HOSPITAL SALVATIERRA in LaPaz it is on bravo street about 4 blocks from Chedraui, the old CCC,(take a left on Bravo which is one way, towards the Malicon) and it is on the right. If you get to telmex you went about 2 blocks to far. You go down some stairs on bravo street right at the bus shelter. 8am to 7pm . THE BLOOD BANK IS 01 612 125 4011

you do need someone to translate for you in LaPaz they have to have many questions answered. have a phone number of someone if need be and have them ready.

Last edited by dean on Thu May 05, 2011 9:15 am; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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