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lapaz various medical list Empty dermatologist in La Paz

Post by dean Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:47 pm

dermatologist in La Paz

Dr. Tuchmann. Just had skin review 2 weeks ago and a few lesions removed by laser. His receptionist does not speak English but his is good. 612 129 6569

Dr Tushman, Altamirano just 1/2 block south of Bravo. 2nd floor. we use him every yr just for checkup. 612 157 0126. he speaks english but his office mgr does not


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lapaz various medical list Empty ear eyes nose doc

Post by dean Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:23 pm

ear eyes, nose doc

lpg wrote:Dr. Saul Angulo Santos at Fidepaz, upstairs in the hospital building. He is super nice, has minimal English but has a receptionist who can help translate.

I am pretty sure at least one of these numbers will work
612 124 0403   612 124 3909    612 124 0117


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lapaz various medical list Empty a Colonoscopy test

Post by dean Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:00 pm

a Colonoscopy test

lpg wrote:Hi,I am Dr Fili Sanchez ,I send my patients to Dr Morales ,the number is 612 1402277,he is very professional and not expensive ,I think the secretary doesn't speak English but the Dr does, enough for you to understand what he is telling you.
If you need help making an appointment, just call me and I will happily help you.
Regards Dr Sanchez 612 155 3173


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lapaz various medical list Empty doctor who can determine allergies

Post by dean Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:03 pm

lpg wrote:
2a. Re: Recommendation Please: doctor who can determine allergies
Posted by: filipinasaninasanchez50
Date: Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:42 pm ((PDT))

Yes, NUMEDE clinic with Dr Efrain, he an can determine if you have any allergies, the telephone number is 1224766.
Am Dr Sanchez Fili ,if you need anything about medical care you can call me too.,my number is 612 155 31 73 or channel 22 the boat Seamentress .

Dr Sanchez Fili / sv/ Seamentress


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Sat Nov 12, 2016 5:53 pm

lpg wrote:: Need recommendation for a dermatologist
Posted by: "Paul Cox" paul.cox13@yahm paul.cox13
Date: Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:31 am ((PST))

Good Morning,
122 4766---Dra Perla Aguilar she speaks good English, not so sure about the receptionist, but i[m sure they will be able to sort an appointment for you.
Regards, Paul.
OBO Dra Filipina Sanchez
612 155 3173


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Fri Sep 02, 2016 6:30 am

lpg wrote:3b. Re: Foot Surgeon
Posted by: "robert stephenson" rstmstr@ya
Date: Thu Sep 1, 2016 11:46 am ((PDT))

Dr. Carranza-Baez, 612 122 2839 meets your requirements. An active Naval Surgeon who maintains a private practice in the evenings. He preformed a very difficult 2-1/2 hour surgery on my left hand which totally restored complete use a couple of years ago. He started with a claw.
I doubt if his receptionist speaks English but he sure does.
In general I have found the military trained Doctors to be exceptional in Mexico.


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:19 am

bwo wrote:Physio Therapy Through Mex. Govt. - For holders of Seguro Popular there is a very good facility at the end of Colosio, corner with Camino al in La Paz. You have a few interviews regarding what it will cost. Social worker asks your income then decides...mine is 90.00 pesos per session. A doctor sets up a program for you. Mine are at 12 noon so if you are coming from Todos or the E.Cape, it's do-able. The therapist is excellent and thorough, they have therapists for all kinds of problems. The place is empty, no waiting at all. Do check it out. For more info... ☞ Gillian Herbert,, 612 176 5877


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Thu May 26, 2016 6:50 am

lpg wrote:5b. Re: Looking for a referral for an English speaking Gynecologist
Posted by: bajafarasha
Date: Wed May 25, 2016 3:20 pm ((PDT))

DRA. ROCIO BASTIDA SANDOVAL. 612- 124-0009. Her practice is located in the Clinica de Mujer (Women's Clinic) in the medical complex adjacent to Fidepaz Hospital in La Paz. Dra. Rocio is a very pleasant woman, an excellent gynecologist and speaks very good English.

Patricia Guluarte Ruiz
She's an endocrinologist and gynecologist. Very caring, very through, very smart. Speaks perfect English.
Tel. 1240400 ext. 302
Cel. 612 348 88 42
Central de Especialidades Medicas
Delfines #110 esq. Carretera al Norte
Col. Fidepaz.


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Thu May 26, 2016 6:46 am

lpg wrote:1a. Re: vertigo help
Posted by: puffin2001
Date: Wed May 25, 2016 6:00 am ((PDT))

Epley Maneuver didn't help me, sorry no help. I went to Dr Oliver Chung for acupuncture treatments which eliminated all vertigo! Results are worth it, totally. Five years ago, Dr Chung ended 30 years of Migraines for me and since that time I've only had 2 that required a pill and 3 that went away after about 30 minutes! Prior, I'd had them 24/7 for 5 months straight! Highly recommend Dr Chung and his daughter, Dra Chung,


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Thu May 05, 2016 8:51 pm

lpg wrote:2d. Re: Medical advice, etc
Posted by: "FLORECIT
Date: Thu May 5, 2016 4:11 pm ((PDT))

We have an excellent doctor who we can you recommend Dr Buenaventura Diaz Lopez tel of 612 1241001 cell 612 348 57 28 the Dr. speaks English -------------------------------------------- El jue 5-may-16,

m> escribió: Asunto: [LPG] Medical advice, etc A: Fecha: jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016, 12:33 I'm a little panicked. I haven't ever been ill in Baja. I seem to have an anti-biotic resistant bladder infection. I had a consultation at a pharmacy and took the ciprofloxacin they prescribed for a week. And now it is back with a vengeance. Can someone please recommend a Doctor Who will culture a specimen and give me The correct medicine. I am also hoping someone can tell me where to find concentrated unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry juice pills or cranberry capsules. Thanks Karen


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:19 pm


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Thu May 14, 2015 4:11 am


Shingles is very painful and can last for years. It's recommended that everyone older than 60 who has had chickenpox should be vaccinated. I don't remember having chickenpox, but the vaccine isn't harmful, according to doctors and the internet.  Dr. Alonso Flores Lopez has the vaccine so I went to his office yesterday. He showed me the expiration date on the box which was reassuring. The medication is the same one they use in the States, but he charged a third less than they charge there. The actual shot was quick and painless. Dr. Flores is located on Serdan #640 between Republica and Torre Iglesias. His phone 125-5899 email:




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lapaz various medical list Empty prescription glasses

Post by dean Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:19 pm

1b. Re: Glasses
Posted by: gmfortuna
Date: Tue Apr 7, 2015 3:23 pm ((PDT))

This email was supposed to be does anyone know of a good place to get prescription glasses? I have prescription. Preferably some English speaking. Thanks.

Messages in this topic (3)
1c. Re: Glasses
Posted by: "bobstillmock" bobstillmock
Date: Tue Apr 7, 2015 3:34 pm ((PDT))

I use Ortiz Optical...2 blks south of ONE Hotel


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:05 am

Skin Tag, Wart, And Mole Removal! - We can remove your unwanted warts, moles, and skin tags on site quickly, easily, affordably, and without scarring. We have removed over 400 warts, moles, and skin tags. For more info, and before and after photos, please see our webpage link below. ☞ White Sand Massage, Hair Salon, & Day Spa,, (612) 145-0571, Todos Santos


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:08 pm


Cardiologist – Dr. Jorge Berzunza 624-160-1725c

Cevallos, Marcial, M.D.- LP, 612-348-4819

Dermatologist -LP- Dr. Agustin Anguiano Acuna, 612-125-4300

ENT - Otolaryngology, Dr. Luis A. Landeros 6241289655c
CSL is 1430584, in SJC 1058570,

ENT - Dr J. Roberto León 624-105-1402, 624-157-5597c Cabo

Eye Surgeon - LP - Dr. Carlos Mendoza 125-38-90 y 123-52-55

Gastroenterologist Dr. Alfonso Najar 624-147-5919

General Surgery - LP, Dr. Ricardo Flores Namnum (612-124-0401 ext. 303) at
Central de Especialidades Médico Also known as the purple hospital

GYN - Dra. Elva Olimpia Patino Palaclos - LP - 612-122-7674

GYN/OB Dra Elena Velderrain Z 142-3031 SJ / 142-1994 SJD urgencias 142-4768

General Physician – Dr Enrique Toledo 141-0797 LB

Hand Surgeon -

Internal Medicine / Geriatrics Dr Mauricio Mercado 105-8550SJD / 624-178-9461

Neuosurgeon –Dr Karla Pedroza 105-8550 SJD/ 143-0584 / 183-5701 Nextel

Ophthalmologist – Dr. Rafael Gerardo Romero 143-6767 CSL / 141-0797 LB

Ophthalmologist - Dr. Antonio Serrano in San Jose - 624-142-6465 (office) 624-355-3433 (cell)

Orthopedic / PT / Rehabilitation – Dr. Luis Cardenas 142-3311 SJD / 141-0797 LB

Plastic / Reconstructive Surgeon Dr.Juan Jose Liceaga 105-8550

Plastic / Reconstructive Surgeon - LP - Dra Judith E. Yarhi Carrasco,

Radiologist CT/ MRI Dr. Dante Hernandez 142-1203 SJD

Urologist – Dr. Martin Alcazar 624-173-1386/88 CSL / 624-122-5481c


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lapaz various medical list Empty CHIROPRACTORs

Post by dean Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:37 pm


Dr. Mary - LB - US cell----970-275-3226

Dr Dennis O'Brien - LB -Non-force Chiropractic and Natural Healing. 624-150-7155

Dr. Bill Sniechowski - SJD - 624 118-1603 (UPDATE: Dr Bill is now seeing patients at Blue Medical Group in
Cabo San Lucas and La Cananda in Todos Santos. No San Jose.)

Dr. Robert Smith - CS - 624-105-0746(UPDATE: In Plaza Cota in Centro CSL, Only in the morning) LB 2nd Sat month

Dr Doug Padden - CSL - 624-105-0746( Same office as Robert Smith, Plaza Cota in Centro CSL, Only in afternoon(4pm - 6:30pm)

Dr Doug Padden - SJD -624 -127 -1898 (Plaza Las Palmas, Colonia Magisterial, M, W, F, 9am to 12noon)

Dr Stanley Song - CSL 624-143-9597 ( Home office in Cabo Bello)

Dr.Allan Laird Costa Azul (UPDATE: No longer in Costa Azul, now in El Encanto in in Centro SJD) 624-121-7391


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:54 am


#1  I need some blood work done and I am looking for a lab in  LaPaz. 

The lab at Fedipaz hospital is  excellent, fast, good charges and you can pick up the results in a few hours or  have them emailed to you.  You do not need a doctors order for lab work  here.. so if you know what you want just write it down translate into Spanish  and take in with you

  A dermatologist recommendation  - Need moles removed
Dr. Augustin Anguiano Acuna    612-125-4300   Speaks English, excellent
dermatologist.  I have  seen him many times.  Email me for directions to his office.

The lab next door to the Similares on the corner of Cinco de Mayo and Madera will do a complete blood check and have your results back in less than an hour. 200 pesos- can't beat that.


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Fri May 23, 2014 8:46 am



Regarding de medical personnel recommendations I can tell you that I know a very good (Throat, nose, and Lanringue Dr.).  I do not know if this is the kind of info you need.  I pass you his information.
Work phone:  1235550

Address: UNIDEM. Lic. Primo de Verdad entre Rosales y Allende.


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lapaz various medical list Empty Cardiologist

Post by dean Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:57 pm


7b. Re: Cardiologist
    Posted by: "norman silverberg" 1942norman
    Date: Mon Nov 4, 2013 1:43 pm ((PST))
Young, modern, good reputation, relatively expensive...I have confidence in
him and have had no problems with the pacemaker he installed.
Norman Silverberg
On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 12:16 PM, 

> Hi all, does anyone have any experience with Dr. Edgar Cuevas Garcia?
>  We've been referred to him for an echocardiogram.  Reply through the group

> or personally, whatever you prefer.  Thanks.


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lapaz various medical list Empty (Ear, Nose, Throat) docs

Post by dean Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:51 am

(Ear, Nose, Throat) docs

Dr Fransico E. Santoyo Reveles

calle Torre Iglesias #313- B ( between Revolucion and Serdan) tel. 122-95-37  cell 612-117-5770 i had impacted ear wax and he cleaned it out.....500pesos. he speaks some english


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lapaz various medical list Empty Allergy Dr?

Post by dean Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:33 pm

Allergy Dr?
Posted by: "Ceci
Date: Thu Aug 8, 2013 2:03 pm ((PDT))

Dr. Ramon Gaxiola
Fidepaz Clinic


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lapaz various medical list Empty Knee Doctor

Post by dean Sat May 18, 2013 8:19 am


Hands down top notch: Dr. Javier Escamilla in Cabo. 624-195-3030 or cell 624-355-4923. My boyfriend had a total knee replacement performed by Dr. Escamilla at the very end of January. For well over a month now, he has been riding his mountain bike on the single track trails around Todos Santos. He was barely able to walk prior to surgery - not to mention his outrageous pain. His recovery (it has been less than 4 months now) has been amazing. It has been a stellar experience with Dr. Escamilla. We believe the attention, care and treatment was far superior to any in the US (where we are from). I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Dr. Escamilla.

Dr. Jose Guillermo Sanchez Huitron is an EXCELENT Doctor here in La Paz ORTOPEDIA Y TRAUMATOLOGIA

Delfines 110
La Paz, B.C.S.
Tel 124 29 94


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lapaz various medical list Empty plastic surgeon

Post by dean Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:16 pm

Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon In La Paz - 30 years of experience. Member of ISAPS(international society of aesthetic plastic surgery)certified,member of the mexican board,etc. Services: any cosmetic surgery,fillers,botox,intense pulse light IPL(antiage treatment,acne,celulite,spots,precancerous lesions,permanent hair removal),radiofrecuency.

February and March: 30%off in radiofrecuency; 20%off in any IPL treatment; 25%off in any aesthetic surgery - Manlio Speziale,,, 612 129 5252


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lapaz various medical list Empty medicine price discussion

Post by dean Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:34 pm

A couple of years ago when Club Cruceros gave a donation to the Doctora in charge of terminal cancer patients she went to Guadalajara to purchase the drugs at half the price in Baja Sur. That started a few of us checking the price of common things. We definitely pay 50-200% more than other Mexican states for the same items. Latest example which seems to affect most Mexicans and non-Mexicans alike, is the drug quinfamida, which is used to combat stomach parasites. Every company in Mexico makes it, but the pricing varies radically. Last week we bought two boxes at the same time at the same drug store in La Paz. Not a high priced one either. We paid 374 pesos each. One box said the price could not go over 270, and the other 340. When we checked on line we were able to buy from at 54 pesos apiece, and that box said not to be sold over 68 pesos! Shipping in Mexico is five bucks registered mail, or fifteen to USA. We bought 5 boxes and with shipping to the door, paid 154 instead of 374. Any other comparisons or information appreciated.


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lapaz various medical list Empty lpg

Post by dean Wed May 02, 2012 6:54 am

Re: Gastroenterology Doctor

I would recommend that you contact Dr. Judith Yarhi Carrasco who is the
Chief of Surgery here in La Paz. She speaks perfect English and I'm sure she
would make a good recommendation for you. We have used her many times. Her
number is (612) 127-0686


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lapaz various medical list Empty hip replacement

Post by dean Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:42 am

I had a hip replacement here and the doctor and hospital could not have been

The orthopedic surgeon is Dr. Gerardo Mangino. He just does hips and knees.
He also worked in the U.S.

He works out of AmeriMed Hospital in Los Cabos but does come to La Paz His
phone is 624 127 31 85

His email is

The cost in the US $50,000 Cost here including hospital and follow up



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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Fri May 20, 2011 12:08 am


b. Dermatologist/Plastic Surgeon!!!!! A super friend recommended that I see her doctor for a mysterious infection on my face. She did surgery and I am so relieved. For all those recent immigrants to Los Barriles, let me add my recommendation for Dr. Judith (Dra. Judith Esther Yarhi Carrasco) in La Paz. Her phone number is 612-127-0686. She does tummy tucks, face lifts, removes moles, scars, cysts etc. etc. etc. You will love her! Karen Hunt


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lapaz various medical list Empty eye glasses and dermatological prescriptions

Post by dean Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:57 am

There is a dermatology farmacia across the street from Fide Paz hospital. And
lots of eye glass stores around town: I have used Serrano's on Bravo and


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lapaz various medical list Empty pharmacy

Post by dean Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:02 am


I don´t have a specific answer to your question. I always use Farmacorama at
the corner of 16 de Sept. and Altamirano. They have never disappointed me by
not having the product I need. You might try to call first. There phone
number is 122-4920


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:23 am

Dr Vicente Gonzales on cinco de Mayo near mexico and ?


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:01 am


Dr. Agustin Anguiano Acuña. He´s at A. Serdan y M. Pineda, Local 3, tel. 125 4300, cell 044 612 107 9075


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lapaz various medical list Empty veterinarian

Post by dean Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:24 am

from LPG

Dr. Tomas Rodriguez

He moved to Revolucion #2710, between 5th de Febrero and Navarro.

12-25662. Yes, he speaks English. Yes, I recommend him.


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lapaz various medical list Empty ophthalmologist

Post by dean Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:49 pm


Subject: [LPG] Re: I need new prescription eye glasses

For an ophthalmologist, the best is YOUNG Dr. Miguel Lechuga in Fide Paz his office number: 124 0400 the receptionist answers for him as well as Dr. Diaz.
Dr. Lechuga is bi lingual, up to date and precise. He does the follow up care for the surgery I had done in Tijuana. He is also at his San Lucas offices on Mondays.
He is accurate at prescribing.
For frames and filling the prescription I use Optica Valdez on Altamirano e Rosales y Allende
125 6102
I too have been using the services of Dr Lechuga for years for glasses perscription.

Last edited by dean on Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:06 am; edited 1 time in total


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lapaz various medical list Empty Health Care and Americans Retiring in Mexico

Post by dean Tue May 11, 2010 11:59 am

Reports for Retiring Responsibly Abroad Initiative
lifestyle and healthcare research.


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lapaz various medical list Empty blood tests

Post by dean Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:08 pm

Blood Typing:

Did you know there is a lab in La Paz that can give you your blood type in five minutes for 40 pesos?
Laboratorio Colima between calles Mexico y Durango. 128-8224. Roberta

also by the DMV there are a few

Last edited by dean on Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:05 am; edited 1 time in total


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lapaz various medical list Empty hearing

Post by dean Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:03 am

I posted a question out on a few blogs for hearing aid costs, specifically for high end ones.. Nothing was definitive but it was reported by two that costco USA is the best price one can find.

and here were a few recomendations for doctors

> Dr. Alberto Ayala Montoya, Phone 612-125-3890, 612-123-5255
> 16 de Septiembre Ofice Sonylu
> One I used was: Dr. Gregorio Diaz Sanchez Hidalgo
> 1275 Entre Isabel off of La Catolica (up by (north) of the capital
> 612-125-6969
> 612-122-5556
> 612-123-4579
> Dr. Sanchez does not speak English but is great to communicate with
> with broken Spanish I used Google Translate. I would make up
> questions, use Google to translate and then we would go from there.
> I do not know anything about Dr. Montoya but they both sell oido
> aparates (hearing aids)
> Again, mine were not high end.


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lapaz various medical list Empty Re: lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:10 am

La Paz Cardiologist - I recently asked if anyone has had contact with a good cardiologist in La Paz. Several responses came through and one reader requested I share the Doctors' names. I have not made contact with either of the Drs. as of yet. Dr Ignacio Espinoza 6121272529; Dr Manual Andres Sainz Felix Ortega 6121230425. - Steve,


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lapaz various medical list Empty dermatologist

Post by dean Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:47 pm

A few weeks ago someone mentioned a good dermatologist in La Paz, can you post her email and phone number again on the Baja Pony, please. Thank you.
Answer: I can recommend Dra. Judith for any type of skin problems. She just operated on me 3 weeks ago. I feel great and my arms are clear of any bad things.. She's in La Paz, so nice and speaks very good English..There are so many down here that have used her...
Her cell phone:612-127-0686
e mail:


Dr. Tuchmann hacks off bits of *skin* *cancer* off me occasionally and
his fee is usually under 1,000 pesos. On Saturday, 15 November 2014, 20:46,
"jc@^$1 [lapazgringos]" wrote...
Jack Becker Nov 16, 2014

Last edited by dean on Thu Jan 08, 2015 10:14 am; edited 2 times in total


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lapaz various medical list Empty Eye doc

Post by dean Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:33 am


Re: Cataract eye surgery and IOL (IntraOcular Lens) experience

I had this surgery four years ago here in La Paz. Perfect outcome.

Here's the info.:
Dr. Fausto Miguel Lechuga Ortiz
Central De Especialades Medicas
Calle Delfines No. 110
Fracc. Fidepaz (next to the hospital)
C.P. 23090
La Paz, B.C.S
(612) 124-1651

He and his father are both in practice in La Paz. A really sweet guy... the follow up
was excellent... the prices were great compared to the US.

Best of luck,

I am an ophthalmologist who does this surgery routinely.
In answer to your excellent questions:
I would look for state of the art surgery (which should be available) including phaco, foldable iol with small incision. Lens power calculations should be done with iolmaster to ensure desired post op refractive error. There also are premium iols(bifocal and astigmatism correcting) at extra cost. These are usually not needed but may be a consideration depending on the patient. The surgeon should be experienced. I would avoid itinerant surgery-that is someone who comes to La Paz periodically but is not there for followup. Ideally the followup should be done by the surgeon and not delegated. Complications can happen early or late and there is no assurance a given operation will be routine. The last thing you want is a complication and the surgeon is back in Ensenada.
I could find no information on Carlos Ibarra.
Dr Lechuga is a member of American Academy of Ophth and has had first rate training in retina. We have a mutual patient and I am very impressed with his work in retina.I don't know about his cataract training or volume. It would be a very favorable if your surgeon were a member of the American Academy of Ophth or ASCRS. This is true in the US also. Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

--- In, "bnbnlapaz" wrote:
> Have any of you had this surgery performed? Any recomendations on questions to ask on the front end? Anyone had the procedure done locally?
> Are any of you familar with Dr Carlos Ibarra de la Toba Cirujano Oftalmologo ? He performs surgery both in Ensenada and La Paz. Any other local doctors, Cirujano Oftalmologo ?

Last edited by dean on Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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lapaz various medical list Empty lapaz various medical list

Post by dean Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:21 am


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