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blood drive possibly november?

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blood drive possibly november?  Empty blood drive possibly november?

Post by dean Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:46 pm

I talked to the blood bank when I was there about a blood drive in LaVentana. They are willing to come out here for a blood drive. If anyone has a suggestion on date I was thinking the day before USA’s thanksgiving. Or even thanksgiving day. Please email me at with your suggestion. And those who will definitely or tentatively give blood please also chime in. Obviously they will only come out if we have a reasonable number of people interested in participating. I picked thanksgiving as a giving symbol , and we are thankful to be here then because we eat well to replenish ourselves. The negative is they told me for instance, for 24 hours no strenuous activity, also why I am aiming for thanksgiving, because it is a social day. A goal here is to make sure there is blood for anyone that has some sort of need in our area.

We recently, about 3-4 months ago saw a experienced kiter in Barriles requiring a significant amount of blood donors specially A positive and platelets from same blood type before they could do the needed surgery, it appears 1 in 5 people meet the qualifications for their screening for this vs. giving blood only. We have a responsibility not to be a burden on the Mexican medical social system if we can, which we were not in his case. This is an opportunity to make sure we pay forward. And let’s hope there are no serious kite accidents that need this but let’s make sure we were proactive vs. reactive.


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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