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bajabound has a good section to cross borders

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bajabound has a good section to cross borders Empty Re: bajabound has a good section to cross borders

Post by dean Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:01 am

Check out border wait times before crossing. Especially if you can choose from different border crossing, such as at Otay Mesa, you can tune into 104.5FM Radio Latina or visit their website or the U.S. Customs border wait times at their official site. -

Timing: To avoid long lines, plan your trip off-season: Traditionally December is awful at San Ysidro Port of Entry, but after Christmas gets much better. Please consider that between January 2 and Valentine’s Day (middle of February), between Easter and Memorial Day, or between Labor Day and the end of September you probably will avoid traffic congestions at the border. Any time of year, weekdays are less busy, especially Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday is called by locals “swap meet day”, no idea why but historically it is a busy day, and Saturday is always better than Sunday. - See more at:


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bajabound has a good section to cross borders Empty bajabound has a good section to cross borders

Post by dean Mon May 04, 2015 9:38 am


Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01

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