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discussions about police

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discussions about police Empty letter to police if pulled over

Post by dean Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:15 am

letter to police if pulled over
discussions about police Police10


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discussions about police Empty Re: discussions about police

Post by dean Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:19 pm

If a federal highway patrol officer attempts to extort you report him by dialing 088 or send an email to: Send as much information as possible, squad car number, location, day and time of day.


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discussions about police Empty Re: discussions about police

Post by dean Wed May 13, 2015 8:47 am

 Notice to Police Officers
    Posted by: "DHOREA RYON" dhorearyon@hotm)

This looks very good but it is not the brochure I am referring to. The other form is called the "Official Complaint form for La Paz Visitors" It has the email address  and also a tel number  612 120 3292. The Director of Tourism speaks english.  If you speak spanish you can call Commandante Juan Sanchez Escobar 612 157 9391 directly. These numbers are to be used when and if you are stopped by the Police and asked for or demanded to pay a "fine" on the street.  Most Police officers are aware that this coloured form exists so if we could all show the same thing it would have more effect.  I suggest that until you pick up this form you carry the one that is currently on this site but add these 2 phone numbers, the name of the Commandante and the email address.


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discussions about police Empty Re: discussions about police

Post by dean Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:49 am


7a. Police bribes
Posted by: "DHOREA RYON" dhorea.ryon
Date: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:09 am ((PDT))

We now have had 4 different couples stopped THIS month by the Police, at Caribe and Abasolo and Walmart area.
The Police demanded them to pay $100usd and they did . The last couple however called me. I told them not to pay. Then I called my husband and the Minister of Tourism, Pedro Aguilar 612 120 3292. Pedro in turn called the Chief of Police. In the meantime the Police got very threatening and apparently threatened to handcuff them if they didn't pay so they paid.
Then while the people were waiting for Javier and Pedro, the Police came back and slipped the money back in to them.
So if you are driving a rental car, head down to the Tourism office, grab an official complaint form in both english and spanish and show that to the cop. Pedro's cell is on there. I am also looking for tape to put over the name of the rental company on the car.


Messages in this topic (4)
7b. Re: Police bribes
Posted by: "Bernard Anderson" keynesco
Date: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:27 am ((PDT))

Never pay USD! (100USD = 1500 pesos) Never give them your license - just tell them you don’t have it with you. Act dumb. Just wave at them. Good idea to get official complaint form whether you drive a rental or not!

I have just acted dumb in the past and waived and said goodbye in English and driven off. They will follow honking that horrible bleep horn - just wave back and keep driving and do a few turns until they are back in traffic and go have a coffee.



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discussions about police Empty Re: discussions about police

Post by dean Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:11 pm


Lic. Lopez directs us to do the folowing if a
police officer asks for money:
·      Verify that the police officer is from Municipal or
Estatal (it says clearly on the vehicle) and write down the vehicle
identification number. The number of the vehicle is on the rear side. Obtaining
the vehicle identification number is the best way to identify the officer. 
·      If necessary, call for support, delay. Take your time.
Call a friend who speaks Spanish, if that is easiest for you. Or, call directly
to the Central de Policia: The Central de la Policia 612-129-4558
·      Be prepared to say this;  " I was stopped by a Policia
Municipal Officer, with the Patrol number__________________. He is asking me
for money"
Me paró un oficial de la Policía Municipal, con el número de patrulla       __________________.   Me está
pidiendo dinero."'
·      Take a photo of the police officerand his car. You have the right to do this!
·      The Central de la Policíamay dispatch a car to you, so be aware of your location.
Afterwards, call Oficina de Director General at
122-0477 or go to the Transit office. The transit office is on the corner of Colima
y Mexico. It is housed in a large building that says “Transito”. The phone
number to the transit office is 612 137 0118. You will be able to write up a
complaint. Keep a copy of it. This documentation allows Lic. Lopez and Comandante
Ceseña to appropriately discipline the police officer as well as track the


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discussions about police Empty Re: discussions about police

Post by dean Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:06 am

LaPaz Gringos

Messages in this topic (30)
2.2. Re: Policia
Posted by: "leslieaplus" l
Date: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:31 pm ((PDT))


--- In, Al Marchand wrote:
> Here are my experiences with the local police relative to *la mordida*:
> - I was signaled to pull over by the police on Alvaro Obregon (the
> Malécon) near 5 de Mayo. I refused to pay mordida and was finally given a
> written citation for "speeding in a school district". I drove directly to
> Transito and asked to speak to a judge. I showed him the citation and told
> him that I was not speeding and that I refused to bribe the officer. He
> put out a call for the officer to come to Transito immediately. When the
> officer failed to appear, he asked me to file a *denuncia* (complaint).
> The end result was that the officer was removed from the force for two
> months without pay. This officer (and many others) leave me alone now.
> - Another tactic which I used a couple of years ago when outside of La
> Paz was to use my cell phone camera to take a picture of the approaching
> officer. I did so in a non-threatening manner, but they got the idea.
> Each one has wished me a good day and left.
> - I also suggest that the driver's side window only be lowered about one
> inch to converse with the officer and that one not hand over a drivers
> license. Hold it up against the glass and tell them they can read it but
> they cannot touch it.
> Whatever is done, please do not pay mordida as it just encourages more
> of the same when the officers pull over others.
> Al
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Sidne Byars Herrero > > wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > this was what I did one time I was feeling a bit sassy and I started
> > waving a 200 pesos bill out the window for everyone to see say do I
> > pay you here can I pay you here really loud he let me go haha oh
> > well I just felt like it and it worked I have been stopped since
> > not often as I do have mexican plates but I do have blonde hair not
> > sure how that works for me
> >


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discussions about police Empty Re: discussions about police

Post by dean Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:42 pm

page 19 a good write up.


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discussions about police Empty car registrations

Post by dean Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:50 am

I know that onnapaffa is on Padrekino between Allende and Rosales. What is anapromex? Were are they located?

Last edited by dean on Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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discussions about police Empty Re: discussions about police

Post by dean Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:21 am

I will like to add there have been many complaints about the shakedowns. Here is how I dealt with it. In LaPaz the locals did not wear motorcycle helmets which is a law in Mexico. and I have never liked helmets. So did not wear one and was getting pulled over all the time, i just refused to pay, was very polite about it and made gestures/jokes about the entire thing always smiling and laughing without insulting. This always took time and patience. But I always offered to the officers to come to my casa in LaVentana and have a cervasa with me, and would tell them on sunday when or when they did not have to work. Again to me a universal gesture of friendship have a beer with someone.... Gave them a map and my phone number and they would show up sometimes with 3-4 of them, and sometimes with their family. It was great because all the motorcycle police officers now knew me in LaPaz. and when they would see me they would ALWAYS pull me over, just to say hi. One time I was in my truck dropping off my mother and aunt in LaPaz at a hotel and I was double parked and all the sudden all these police came converging, my mother and aunt got so worried because they heard such bad things about the police. I told them these were my friends, I do not think my mother believed me. I then introduced my mother and aunt to the police. And my friends the police gave them the royal treatment, and told my they would take care of my double parked truck and one helped me with the luggage. what more can anyone ask for. Over the years some have moved up in rank and are no longer patrolling and others were transferred so they have not been out in years. I will run into one in the supermarket and he will say hi. I know if any of these that were promoted ever saw me in the station they would come to my rescue.

Now a days I do wear a helmet in LaPaz as my friends are not out there and I just do not have the time. the last one i did not know took me 30 minutes before he gave up on me. So my suggestion is make a friend have a beer with the police. BTW some only drank coke.

Last edited by dean on Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total


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discussions about police Empty Re: discussions about police

Post by dean Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:59 am

from LPG
Your rights if stopped or arrested (and what to do)
Posted by: "tfinbaja"
Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:11 am (PDT)

I noticed an article in the Baja Citizen written about by local attorney JACQUES-EDOUARD BEAULNE. I emailed him and asked for an electronic copy to post to LPG. You may want to print and keep a copy in your vehicle. Here it is:



Everyone has the same rights.

When arrested, you have a right to:
1. be treated physically and verbally with courtesy.
2. be explained the charge(s);
3. Refuse to let police search on your property if search warrant is not presented;
4. one phone call;
5. be represented by lawyer, private of public defender;
6. an official translator paid by the State;
7. refuse to sign any documents'
8. refuse to make any declaration;
9. be examined by a doctor before being incarcerated;
10. be visited while in jail;
11. bail if the crime accused of is minor;
12. any denunciation against arresting officer.
13. be judged as innocent until proven guilty.

When stopped by police on the highway or street:

Right to ALL of the above, plus,
1. ask the policeman to be taken to station;
2. ask for policeman's ID.
3. refuse to pay any amount to police officer, all
4. pay city's traffic violation only at TRANSITO office (police station);
5. pay the fine emitted by Federal police in relation to a violation to the regulations on
6. highway to the bank.
7. refuse inspection of the vehicle if the police does not have a search warrant.

In the event that one is stopped by a traffic policeman one must NOT be intimidated by surrounding polices with guns, what ever is the caliber.

One must ask what is the reason for been stopped, one has to present his driver's license and registration papers. The police can detain the driver's license and registration papers but can not by law remove the license plate. All mentioned documents must be returned to the driver immediately after the fine is paid.

Fines are paid at the bank regarding federal fines and at the city's central police station (Transito) when it is for a violation of the traffic regulations in the city or town.

Fines paid in within 48 of the date of emission are charged at 50% of the amount listed in the back of the ticket or on the list at the police station.

It is illegal to give to any police officer any amount of money to cover a fine, BASTA CON LA CORRUPTION ( no more corruption ) is the call from the President of the please respect it.

If one does a mistake while driving that results in an infraction one must NOT contribute to corruption and be abused by police officers ONE MUST ASK FOR THE TICKET AND PAY THE FINE.

In case of harassment present to the police officer a sheet of paper on which you wrote:

Nombre / Name:
Numero de su credencial:
Typo de infracción / Type of infraccion:
Por favor llévame a su superior / Take me to your superior.

If you have a cellular phone with you, call me at any time: (612) 348-9793

I will assist the caller so that we can stop the corruption and my services will be free.

Abogado, Avocat, Lawyer,
Miembro del Colegiado de Abogados en B.C.S.
Member of Lawyer's college in B.C.S.
Notaria 8, Planta Alta, suite 4 & 6,
Esq., Allende y Serdan,
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico.

Call 24/7:

From outside Mexico: 011 52 (612) 348-9793;
From outside 612 area using hard line phone: 045 + area + number;
From inside 612 area using hard line phone: 044 + area + number;
From outside or inside 612 area using cell phone: area + number.


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discussions about police Empty Re: discussions about police

Post by dean Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:48 am

from LPG #681
Re: Attempted Shakedown
Posted by: "tfinbaja"
Tue Apr 6, 2010 2:40 pm (PDT)

I spoke to Ricardo Garcia Castro, who is director of tourism for the City of La Paz. He reports directly to the mayor.

He seemed genuinely concerned about this harassment of Americans and tourists and he wants it to stop.

He asked me to send him a report of my incident, which I did. He said he would protect the privacy of those who report and they would never let the police officers in question actually see your name. If you have any concerns about this, call or email him (see below).

He said reports can lead to suspensions, especially if the officer is a repeat offender. If the officer in question has a history of repeated harassment, they may be fired.

So, reporting this to Ricardo is important. The more reports, the more likely the corrupt police officers will be disciplined -- and the shakedowns will be reduced.

He asked that anyone who has suffered a shakedown or other harassment to contact him: or 612-174-6378.


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discussions about police Empty discussions about police

Post by dean Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:33 am

From LPG

. The Consulate General in TJ is 664 622 7400 and the Consular Agency in Cabo San Lucas is 624 143 3566. The number to dial for Mexico's first responders is 066. I encourage victims of abuse to make written complaints through the Mexican system. I am sure the Tourism department at both the La Paz and state level would appreciate receiving complaints, in addition to the police department. US citizens can feel free to call the Consular Agency at any time. I encourage US citizens in Mexico to register at Keep your passport in a safe place and carry only a photostatic copy. Trina Brown, Consular Agent

Well done to Washem for not caving in! Everyone, please do NOT pay bribes, even if it seems easier. Otherwise, you feed the monster and will only encourage them. That's the least we can do.

Secondly, please consider reporting it. There appears to be good advice elsewhere in this message thread on this.

To those reading this who operate a business here:

This is spreading by word of mouth. I have spoken to several people who asked me about this and they have never even visited here.

Does anyone know if reporting it to the Tourism bureau might result in some pressure being applied?

Secretar�de Turismo del Estado de BCS
Km 5.5 carretera al Norte, Edificio FIDEPA
Telephone (612)124-0100

Does anyone know if the US consul might also apply some pressure? Doubt it?

The US consul offices: (corrected)
Cabo 624 143 3566
Tijuana 664 622-7400

I compiled some notes from past message threads here on what to do:

* say you know they stopped (or are bothering) you because you're gringo
* avoid handing over your driver's license
* if inside your car, roll the window down only about 1".
* hold drivers license in your hand.
* tell them they cannot have your DL.
* get their name(s) and badge number(s).
* write down their vehicle info including license plate and other numbers. if you start writing it down, they get nervous.
* tell them that you will not pay mordida
* tell them you're happy to pay a ticket
* if they threaten you with going before a judge tell them: 'GREAT! Let's go!' (that's the last thing they want)
* if they harass you or threaten you with car impounding etc, ask to go to the Judistica (Judge).
* they often try to separate you from your companions so you don't have a witness -- stick with your companion if you have one.
* smile and be polite but firm -- keep your cool.

I suggest you contact Lic. Ricardo A. Garcia Castro, the Subdirector of Tourism and International Relations for the Munnicipality of La Paz. In a December presentation to a business group he asked to be informed of any incidents similar to yours becasue his office is very concerned about the negative impact they have on the image of both the City and the Municipality. While he isn't connected with the police, he does answer directly to the President of the Municipality.

Sr. Garcia speaks English and can be reached by email at or by telephone at 612-174-6378.

Luiza had mentioned a post from a few yrs ago. I wrote down the phone number and keep it with my DL. The number was 612 348 9793. I think it might be an attorney. Never had to use it since I haven't been stopped in a few yrs. 3 yrs ago, it seemed like every week I'd get stopped for something

I can only answer this with my own personal experience.

I was similarly accosted in an attempt to extract "mordida" from me. I, too, refused. I then went to Transito (the Department of Motor Vehicles equivalent) on Colima near México. I was treated well and asked to describe the events as they took place in order to file a denuncio.

The officer that tried to hassle me was relieved of duty for three months and no officers have tried anything similar in the ensuing three years.

Thanks for taking the time to help the rest of us,


Last edited by dean on Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:01 am; edited 1 time in total


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