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local alarm monitoring

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local alarm monitoring Empty Re: local alarm monitoring

Post by dean Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:03 pm

Hello everyone!
We are happy to announce that La Ventana and El Sargento finally has a Patrol car operating by Alarmas GIGA BYTE.
This is definitely something that this area needs, especially because of the burglaries that happen year-round, and particularly during the summer.

There have been some robberies this season already, but none to the houses protected by this monitoring system.
We would like to encourage you to take advantages of the discounts of the season, like 11% off the total price and La Paz prices on installations.

The name of the Patroller is Orlando Castro, cell phone number: 612-158-7056.
If you would like to hire GIGA BYTE services, please contact the owner Yhassir: and they have a nice Web Site in spanish , where you can check out prices and make your own estimate according to your house needs.
Also, Santiago from La Ventana Home Services can help you with the application at 114-0404, or toll free 877.488.6349,
Thank you very much for your attention and have a wonderful day.

Yma Campoy


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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local alarm monitoring Empty Re: local alarm monitoring

Post by dean Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:11 am

Alarm Installation:

Residents interested in alarm installation and/or monitoring can also contact Santiago at La Ventana Home Services. He has an alarm sign up sheet and he will have some sales literature from Giga Byte.

Santiago Olachea
La Ventana Home Services
Phone 612.114.0404
Skype: santiago.olachea


Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01

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local alarm monitoring Empty Re: local alarm monitoring

Post by dean Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:08 am

VV update
Alarm Installation:
Alarm company sign up for clients has been quite successful and I think we will hit the 20 homes quite easily. The company, Giga Byte Alarms, will be here this Wednesday, April 14 to price alarms for new installs, or switch overs. They will probably be here a few days a week for the next month or two getting houses hooked up and I'm hoping we will have the required membership of 20 people in the next 2 months - just in time for summer break ins all though they are already happening.
Please contact us about Wednesday if you are interested. -
Brian R Westerlund,
owner /agent
Diamante Asociados S de RL de CV -
214 alvaro obregon , La Paz BCS Mexico 23000
US # 1 888 801 7986 > La Paz Office -
US # 1 619 739 4750 > La Ventana Office
Mexico Cell 044 612 140 2650 -
Cell dialing from US 011 52 1 612 140 2650


Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01

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local alarm monitoring Empty local alarm monitoring

Post by dean Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:21 am


Alarm Systems & Monitoring:
We have approached several alarm companies in La Paz in an effort to get better security for the La Ventana area. We finally have a commitment from Giga Byte alarms. They will supply a truck and security person for 24 hour patrols and monitoring WHEN/IF we get 20 or more buildings on the monitoring system.
-- The cost is 300 pesos a month for the alarm monitoring
-- OR for 550 pesos a month for monitoring with insurance protection for your goods against theft.
-- Also they can switch over any other alarm company's system to theirs for 80 dollars,-- and they have cell phone monitoring if you don’t have a phone line.
We have a sign up sheet here in the Diamante Real Estate office or you can email us your name, email and phone numbers and needs. You can also have an alarm installed now or wait for the 20 homes and the monitoring with patrol. Some of us are doing the monitoring now anyway before the 20 homes are signed up.
Grupo Giga Byte - security systems - some English spoken - excellent Spanish.
01 800 830 3739
La paz 612 125 5578


Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01

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