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insurance while on toll roads

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insurance while on toll roads Empty Re: insurance while on toll roads

Post by dean Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:58 am

maps of toll roads

for baja


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insurance while on toll roads Empty insurance while on toll roads

Post by dean Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:56 am

this is interesting

Toll Road Insurance

Did you know when you pay a toll you are automatically covered by the insurance provided by Caminos y Puentes Federales? When you receive the receipt from the toll booth (make sure to keep it in a safe place you will need it to file a claim) read the back of it. It may say something like this: "El seguro cubre responsabilidad civil, gastos medicos y ultimos gastos." English translation: "Insurance covers civil liability, medical payments and funeral expenses." This insurance has always been somewhat of a mystery to people. What exactly does it cover? Here we explain what it does (and doesn't cover) while you are on the toll road.
go to link to


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