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Gold mine

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Gold mine Empty Gold mine

Post by dean Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:37 am

gold in them there hills

FYI, Here is a link to a group that believes the proposed gold mine up in our mountains could be disastrous. This mine is to be just west of El Triunfo. Not knowing the aquifer replenishment fields this may effect us directly as it is claimed parts of the mountains get an average of 40 inches of rain per year and us 4 inches or less. So guess where the baja water comes from.
As if our water was not bad enough, if they are correct with their analysis this potentially could affect our water also. That being the LosPlanes water for those who have it delivered, or potentially but less likely from my guess our aquifer if they will be using as claimed 3700 tons of Arsenic. I did not read all or most of the documents to see if or what amount they reclaim of the arsenic or not.



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Join date : 2008-01-01

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Gold mine Empty Re: Gold mine

Post by Thomas Nivada Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:52 pm

That's really nice for me to read it and it enhance my knowledge pretty well and good.I thinkg that we should be working on it more and more and arise our rights that we are deserve.

Thomas Nivada

Posts : 11
Join date : 2013-04-30
Age : 36

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