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IP addresss and blocked emails

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IP addresss and blocked emails Empty Re: IP addresss and blocked emails

Post by dean Mon Nov 06, 2017 7:20 pm is for the 2016 telmex modem


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IP addresss and blocked emails Empty IP addresss and blocked emails

Post by dean Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:03 am

bpe wrote:a. Here is a link to find your IP Address:

b. A number of Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) block email from Mexico since Mexico is a source of Spam Email. If you are using a program or app to receive and send your email, try signing-in directly to their webmail site – If you can access your email directly, then Gorge Net is blocking Mexico. This is not an uncommon issue. in Alaska does the same thing. You can tell Gorge Net your IP address and they can unblock that address in LB. That works until your IP address changes and TelMex does that from time to time. Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) may solve that problem as well.
Here is a link to Gorge Net Help:
(This is definitely happening with other small providers. If you are in my address book and do not receive the BPE it is your provider. This is happening more and more and there is nothing I can do. You will have to fix the problem. Sorry


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