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US social security issues

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US social security issues Empty Re: US social security issues

Post by dean Thu Aug 25, 2022 8:32 pm

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Annual Filing Requirments for Continuing US Social Security Benefits when Living Abroad


Aug 19

August 19, 2022:
The US Social Security system requires all people living abroad, receiving Social Security benefits, to file a form SSA-7162 every year.

It's a simple form that certifies our current address, and certifies that the SS benefits recipient is still alive.

The SSA typically mails the forms out in May each year, with a 60 day due date for returning the form after the day your receive it. A follow up notice is sent in October and December if the completed questionnaire has not been received.

SSA Official Due Dates for Filing in 2022:
Per the SSA: "The Social Security Administration will resume mailing the forms SSA-7161 and SSA-7162 in late June 2022." and

We personally received our SSA 2022 notices with our form SSA-7162's on July 17, here in Merida, Yucatan ... and DESPITE WHAT SOME INTERNET POSTERS SAY, the form clear says:

"Then, complete your report and return it to the Social Security Administration, P.O. Box 7162, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 18767-7162, U.S.A. in the enclosed envelope within 60 days from the day you receive it. "

Why explain all of this?
There are a number of official sounding reports on expat social-media forums claiming that we must file the forms every May, or supposedly risk losing our benefits.

Fortunately, the SSA's official announcements clearly explain the actual US Govt. policie


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US social security issues Empty US social security issues

Post by dean Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:29 pm


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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