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turtle time

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turtle time Empty turtle time

Post by dean Wed Nov 02, 2016 7:49 pm

More about Turtles .. How you can help. I will post the most probable dates, 45 to 60 days from laying, on the nests north of La Ventana that I am monitoring. Many nests are ready to or are already hatching on south shore. To make it safer and easier on the little guys if you can smooth out and keep the foot prints, vehicle ruts, and dog holes to a minimum between the nests and the sea. It will make their transit time to the sea much quicker and safer. If stuck in holes and ruts they dehydrate very quickly and die. Just a note as the eggs get closer to hatching the scent will attract dogs more, please keep them from digging up the nests. If you come upon a hatching please keep animals, birds and crabs away from the hatchlings. After a hatching do not remove the cages as a count needs to be done. If we are lucky we will get to witness something truly amazing. The first nest to hatch on the north beaches will be between the Resort and Rasta Beach, 45 days is Nov. 3rd. We now have 2 nests at Rasta Beach, one at Palapas Beach and one north of the first acceso just north of El Sargento. Just a note to how difficult it is for these little guys to survive, 5 south beach nest were ravaged by coyotes this past week, all were within 5 days of hatching.


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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