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Oaxaca as vacation rentals

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Oaxaca as vacation rentals Empty Oaxaca as vacation rentals

Post by dean Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:25 am

My family has 2 rentals in Oaxaca as vacation rentals. In San Felipe De Agua. A district close to downtown. Newly built Adobe Cabana with patio, fully equipped kit and bath. I large room 2 double beds. Close to National Park in quiet private garden of property owner. Short walk to bus stop and then 10 min ride by bus to central downtown Oaxaca. We lived here for 3 months so have local info. My niece speaks English, Spanish and French. Condo in Huatulco in Hotel Zone. 5ins to waterfront and stores. 2 bedrooms with double beds and sofa bed in LR. Equipped kit. WF. Also English, French and Spanish spoken. Have not seen this condo but spent time in Huatulco. This is my Russian in law relative. Both these ladies are super friendly and helpful. They are the best hostesses, i can attest to that.If interested pls reply and i can forward for pics, price and other info. with telephone numbers also. I am on stick for internet so limited.
crosecarson(you know what goes here) then the domain is netzero (dot) net


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