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go paperless phone bills now get them emailed

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go paperless phone bills now get them emailed Empty go paperless phone bills now get them emailed

Post by dean Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:06 pm

you can online go paperless if you have a password, i think you can create your password online. on the home page upper right click "mi cuenta", there is a picture of a symbol save a plant sin Papel click on it. I did it and will see if they email it to me in a pdf next bill. That was my interpretation.

And on my current bill it does say unlimited calls at the 600 peso package I have. I did not go over the normal threshold so could not verify that way but the bill clearly states under my plan as seen below

go paperless phone bills now get them emailed Captur10

here are the plans
go paperless phone bills now get them emailed Rates10


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