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Wind turbine to harvest energy and water from desert air

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Wind turbine to harvest energy and water from desert air Empty Wind turbine to harvest energy and water from desert air

Post by dean Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:48 am

Wind turbine to harvest energy and water from desert air
We've all seen ice cold glasses and bottles dripping with condensation after cooling water vapor in the air, and though grabbing water out of thin air is not new, it took French inventor and Eolewater founder Marc Parent's umpteenth emptying of his air conditioner's condensate to envision harvesting atmospheric moisture on a commercial scale using wind turbines. After years of designs and prototypes, his proof-of-concept device, essentially a wind-powered refrigeration/condensation/filtration unit, was put in operation in the dry desert air of Abu Dhabi last October where it's been reliably extracting 130-200 gal (approx. 500-800L) of clean, fresh water a day ever since.

Wind turbine to harvest energy and water from desert air Eole


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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Wind turbine to harvest energy and water from desert air Empty Re: Wind turbine to harvest energy and water from desert air

Post by dean Wed May 27, 2015 1:24 pm

about water shortages USA...

a 2011 concpt..
from 2011 great concept…
Wind turbine to harvest energy and water from desert air Airdrop-1
Close but… I think they are missing the boat. Ground is tough for heat transfer, where liquid is much better.

With desalination plants being needed all over, why not pump hot moist air into the sea down a distance where the water is cold and do the same. Higher transfer rates of the cold water would be much more effective. So coupled with a floating windmill to force the air down the tube and pump the water to its location. looks like we want a drop off 1500 feet. Here in baja that is about ½ mile out in many places. We have wind nearly every day.


Posts : 5561
Join date : 2008-01-01

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