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New Mexican Government Office to Assist Foreigners

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New Mexican Government Office to Assist Foreigners Empty Re: New Mexican Government Office to Assist Foreigners

Post by dean Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:42 am


7a. Police bribes
Posted by: "DHOREA RYON" dhorea.ryon
Date: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:09 am ((PDT))

We now have had 4 different couples stopped THIS month by the Police, at Caribe and Abasolo and Walmart area.
The Police demanded them to pay $100usd and they did . The last couple however called me. I told them not to pay. Then I called my husband and the Minister of Tourism, Pedro Aguilar 612 120 3292. Pedro in turn called the Chief of Police. In the meantime the Police got very threatening and apparently threatened to handcuff them if they didn't pay so they paid.
Then while the people were waiting for Javier and Pedro, the Police came back and slipped the money back in to them.
So if you are driving a rental car, head down to the Tourism office, grab an official complaint form in both english and spanish and show that to the cop. Pedro's cell is on there. I am also looking for tape to put over the name of the rental company on the car.


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7b. Re: Police bribes
Posted by: "Bernard Anderson" keynesco
Date: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:27 am ((PDT))

Never pay USD! (100USD = 1500 pesos) Never give them your license - just tell them you don’t have it with you. Act dumb. Just wave at them. Good idea to get official complaint form whether you drive a rental or not!

I have just acted dumb in the past and waived and said goodbye in English and driven off. They will follow honking that horrible bleep horn - just wave back and keep driving and do a few turns until they are back in traffic and go have a coffee.



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New Mexican Government Office to Assist Foreigners Empty New Mexican Government Office to Assist Foreigners

Post by dean Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:21 am


This is a good Idea finally!New Mexican Government Office to Assist ForeignersEnglish speaking staff will assist you with government related mattersThere is now a Mexican government office created to reach out to the foreigners who live here full or part time. Alicia Cota is an ombudswoman for foreign residents, speaks excellent English and enjoys assisting foreign residents with govt red tape such as tax matters and permits. She can even help you fill out Spanish forms, telling you which department is in charge of what form.Her office is inside City Hall, second door down on your right. You can call her at 146 7600 ext. 1009 or cell 624 117 8249. Office hours are currently 8-3 pm.


Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01

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