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Labor Laws, Unions and Wages in Mexico

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 Labor Laws, Unions and Wages in Mexico Empty Mexico Tax Alert - 9 September 2013

Post by dean Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:32 pm


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 Labor Laws, Unions and Wages in Mexico Empty Re: Labor Laws, Unions and Wages in Mexico

Post by dean Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:07 pm

mexico chamber of commerce


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 Labor Laws, Unions and Wages in Mexico Empty Labor Laws, Unions and Wages in Mexico

Post by dean Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:14 pm

and business areas
Common Behavior
When in conversation, Mexicans may not make direct eye contact for long which should not be seen as an offence. Additionally, Mexican’s generally stand closer to the person they are talking to than in the United States. Moving backward could be seen as an insult, and your co-conversationalist will likely close the gap anyway. Gift giving, while certainly not expected, can be a strong way to maintain relationships and make a strong impression. If invited to a home, giving a gift is seen as polite. If you have become good friends with your associate, gifts for their children, such as something from your home city like a sport’s team cap, are good. For business associates, gifts with business logos are appropriate and appreciated.

Secretaries may appreciate small gifts if they have become part of the business team. Do not give gifts of silver, as Mexican silver products are a source of pride. Finally, as a useful tidbit, Mexican folklore holds that yellow flowers represent death, red ones cast spells whereas white flowers lifts spells.


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