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rumor, hwy 5 from San Felipe south to hwy 1 done in 2019

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rumor, hwy 5 from San Felipe south to hwy 1 done in 2019 Empty rumor, hwy 5 from San Felipe south to hwy 1 done in 2019

Post by dean Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:32 am

Just read an article that hwy 5 from san Felipe should be paved by 2019.     this would make the best way to get down the baja missing TJ Ensendas San Quintine and so on.    Plus could eliminate a bunch of major mountain  switchbacks.

San Felipe, BC, Mexico - January 17, 2011 -

The Baja Love Ride, a “ride for a cause”, is forced to change the start date and ride route. The date is being changed from February 14 to March 22. Originally set to begin in Rosarito Beach, the ride will now begin at Monumental Plaza in Tijuana.

Due to unforeseen events, the organizers have had to modify the original planned event. The previously promoted 1000 mile course from Rosarito to Cabo San Lucas has had be shortened considerably. The 2011 ride will now be a 217 mile (349 km) course from Monumental Plaza in Playas de Tijuana to the Aches of San Felipe.

Organizers have recently been told by the government that road damage south of Puertecitos and construction south of the new Highway 5 will make the roads impassable for buses and other large event vehicles.

Authorities contend Federal Highway 5 construction south to Bahia San Luis Gonzaga and west to Transpeninsular Highway 1 will indeed be completed by the time Baja Love Ride 2012 is slated to begin.


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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