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Aduana/Banjerco get a car TIP pass in Laredo

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Aduana/Banjerco get a car TIP pass in Laredo Empty Aduana/Banjerco get a car TIP pass in Laredo

Post by dean Tue Mar 05, 2019 8:51 am

facebook wrote:Regarding returning TIP, do I take it off the windshield myself and take it into the immigration building in Laredo?

Once you find the Banercito office you will simply park, talk with them, and follow instructions. Google your border crossing for "Banercito '

In Laredo there is a booth in the parking lot of CIITEV where you go. You do not need to leave your car. They will come and collect your sticker then take a couple of pictures then you go back up to the main road and get in line to cross the bridge.


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