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long term care discussion

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long term care discussion Empty Re: long term care discussion

Post by dean Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:14 pm

long term care discussion Medica10
from facebook


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long term care discussion Empty long term care discussion

Post by dean Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:26 am

facebook wrote:Long Term care in la paz. i know its something we don't like to talk about, but someday many of us will need it. i have a LTC policy from John Hancock that is good anywhere in the world but i just couldn't find any qualified caregivers in La Paz. until yesterday. i met with a young man, Enrique, who owns MaxiHome home care. he is a nurse trained at the nursing school in Mexicali
and currently teaches nursing at the local univ. he lived and worked in Canada for a year and speaks excellent english. he works with Dr's Diaz, Tushman and Cuevas and has access to a team of nurses for short or long term care including 24 hr. he currently has patients in El Centenario, Ventana and Cabo as well as La Paz. i feel much better knowing that excellent is available here. if you're interested in more info, call him at 612-157-0917 or he's also on FB


Posts : 5608
Join date : 2008-01-01

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