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other animals and sea life like beached dolphin

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other animals and sea life like beached dolphin Empty other animals and sea life like beached dolphin

Post by dean Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:10 pm

facebook wrote:RE the beaching dolphin today: It seems to have swum away on its own. You can search for this post in the group for future use.
For marine animals who are injured, beached, or in danger, please call PROFEPA's office in La Paz. The number is: +526121220787. Do not touch the animal, get too close, or allow crowds and dogs around it. It is okay to gently splash water over it to ensure it is breathing. PROFEPA will most likely ask for a video or a photo of the animal, so that they can identify its species, its behavior, and determine whether to send help. They will provide a number over the phone to send the pictures/video to. Speaking spanish is helpful when calling- but the most important info is where you are, what animal it is, and what it is doing. Thanks for reading


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