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recent thefts MO

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recent thefts MO Empty recent thefts MO

Post by dean Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:00 am

facebook wrote:Just an FYI - a few of us were out at the bufador this afternoon and we left our vehicle unlocked. We were within sight of it but below on the beach. Two of the guys kept an eye on it from the beach while the rest of us had a short stroll. Some one came up to the far side of the vehicle, opened the door and out of one backpack, stole a new IPhone 7, and from another pack, stole a wallet. It was a quick snatch and run. No one saw anything. There were other valuables in the packs and in the vehicle but only the couple things at the top of the packs closest to the door on the side away from the beach were taken. Lock your vehicles, even if you think it's safe. What a way to almost ruin a few friends holiday.


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