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cover septic systems with a screen

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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Thu Sep 05, 2024 4:17 pm

I had mosquitos because my neighbors house had a outdoor bathroom that I did not know was there and he had not been there in a year.     The toilet made it horrible 30 meters away, i thought it was their pool and I put in abate but that did not solve it till I found the toilet.    I put the abate in it and all mosquitos basically gone in a week.    

So with these mosquitos it hit me that I should do a local test.   I made a septic cover with my one way trap.    And boy did it work.    Here are some pictures of it opened where the mosquitos ended up trapped and died.  

cover septic systems with a screen Screen65

cover septic systems with a screen Screen35

cover septic systems with a screen Screen64


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:02 pm

people with grey water systems that feed plants  if the water comes to the surface can have mosquitos breeding in the system.


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty double screen septic and house vents

Post by dean Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:20 am

New concept drawing for double screening septic and or house vents.      We do this because bird come and peck at the bugs and make holes in the screen.      So with a minimum of 1/2 inch, or  1 cm between the two layers of screen.   So with a piece of wire you attach to the vents.    

cover septic systems with a screen Screen33

cover septic systems with a screen Public10


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Sun Mar 03, 2024 7:36 am

these vent covers can be ordered via amazon mx.... And note still a double layer of metal screen that is seperated by about 1/2 inch is the best.


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:48 am  has  a DIY trap that in my testing as well as a MD in LaPaz Mexico and a Entomologist in Pakistan was 99% effective in preventing the mosquitos escape.


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:51 am

still the easiest...

dean wrote:Note that when covering septic tank vents and house vents use double screening and have a 1/2 inch gap. It has been found that the birds poke holes after the insects, so this gap stops them from hitting the lower screen.


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:46 pm

Note that when covering septic tank vents and house vents use double screening and have a 1/2 inch gap. It has been found that the birds poke holes after the insects, so this gap stops them from hitting the lower screen.


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:52 am

cover septic systems with a screen Flier.262200111_std


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:34 pm


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty stink tube small and stop mosquito

Post by dean Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:13 pm

home depot in LaPaz now sells a roof vent that will stop the smell but also mosquitoes from entering and other bugs.    it has to have the pipe aiming straight up, it is a counterbalanced door closer that allows air in to allow for the negative pressure of a plumbing system.   found it in the plumbing section with the drain traps and so on.  Grey in color about $3.00

 it is made by Coflex; 
Valvula para Coladeras anti-olores/anti-insectos  
barcode 710631917393  
it is for a 2 inch vent pipe, if your stink tube is larger use a tubing reducer.  if you stink tube is not straight up, put in a 90 degree elbo.


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:05 pm

Followed your advice a few years ago and solved my problem.
I had covered my vents with screen but within months that screen had
disintegrated .
I re fitted fiberglas screen and at last look all was fine.
4 blocks away, Bill a bird lover was maintaining a bird bath (mosquito
hatchery) inside his compound. I insisted he put his glasses on and informed
him those wiggling little black things were the source of much of his
personal misery. Apparently his attempt at mosquito control was painting
false windows on the second floor of his work shop. When the mosquito tried
to fly through the window the block wall was supposed to cause a serious
concussion leading to death.
Both methods work but a little cooking oil in the bird bath is probably
easier although less artistic.

Ray Headrick


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:58 pm

ahhh they finally figured it out and put it in writing.... As I have been saying/yelling for 14 or so years this mosquoito breeds in septic systems....

It is likely that Ae.aegypti is continually responding or adapting to environmental change. For example, it was recently found that Ae. aegypti is able to undergo immature development in broken or open septic tanks Adobe PDF file [PDF - 1 page] in Puerto Rico, resulting in the production of hundreds or thousands of Ae.aegypti adults per day. In general, it is expected that control interventions will change the spatial and temporal dispersal of Ae. aegypti and perhaps the pattern of habitat utilization. For these reasons, entomological studies should be included to give support before and throughout vector control operations.


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Sun Aug 31, 2014 11:10 am

for indoor vent plumbing, note they say it stops mosquitoes.
cover septic systems with a screen Mosqui10


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Sun Aug 31, 2014 11:05 am

[size=32]STOP mosquitos[/size]
where can mosquitoes breed?, answer: in septic systems...
stop the dengue carrying Aedes aegypti
A proposition worthy of investigation:  Is it possible that a simple 10-cent piece of metal screen can eliminate dengue- or malaria and vector disease carrying mosquitoes in man modified environments?   Over 10 PhD and MD's, as well as the Director of Disaster Relief for Central America, have signed a letter suggesting that this should be investigated. 
What evidence supports this proposition?   The project initiator, who is an inventor with an engineering degree, in the winter lives in a desert area with an average of 3 inches of rain per year. This area of the Baja Mexico has mosquito problems, including the mosquito-bourn dengue fever. The initiator had no mosquito problem until he built a septic system on his property.  Inspection of the properly sealed septic system produced mosquitoes flying out of the inspection cover into the initiator’s face demonstrating the habitat or breeding source.  After a screen was placed on the air vent to the septic system, the mosquitoes virtually disappeared from the property within a few days. This experiment was duplicated numerous times in a nearby campground. When the screen was placed on the 4-inch septic tank vent in the campground, several hundred to thousands of mosquitoes were seen trapped on the septic system side of the screen.  The screen has been missing almost every year at the campground, and each time the sequence reoccurred: people were eaten alive in the campground, then the vents were screened, and the mosquitoes disappeared within a few days. This has been duplicated numerous times.
 other evidence
A recent Naples Florida newspaper article 3/27/04 by the Collier Mosquito Control District discussed a problem, a homeowner who was a seasonal resident was finding dead and live mosquitoes in their home bathroom and kitchen when returning after being away for months.   This full article link is posted on my web site and is critically important to demonstrating that mosquitoes breed in septic systems and can enter the house via vents/drain systems.   This was with a mosquito district inspecting the exterior, how did mosquitoes get into a closed up home.    Their conclusions also a link on my web page came to the conclusion to screen the vents and more.  Here is one of their answers;
Answer to #1 & 2 (How did they get in, and where were they breeding?):
Mosquitoes were flying down the vent stack, into the septic tank where they were breeding. The water in the toilet bowl and drains would evaporate over time, allowing some mosquitoes to find their way into the house.
Checks of the CDC and WHO websites showed that while both note that mosquitoes breed in septic systems and the septic system should be checked for leaks and damage, neither suggests the screening of septic system vents.  This needs to be changed and add vents. Web searches likewise showed that only one U.S. site, (for Stinson Beach, CA.), and only about 4 other cities worldwide (in Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, India, ), recommended screening septic system vents to control/eradicate mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. This implies that simple screens over septic system vents hold the potential for controlling mosquito-bourn diseases, including dengue fever and malaria.    Logic follows since it is written up in these 4 regions plus the Florida example this can not be a co-incidence and should suffice to investigate.  We must also keep in mind that septic systems are not a natural part of the ecosystem, they are man made so the presence of man has contributed to the increased volume of mosquitoes. 
Further thought suggested that if screens are good in this application, a trap would be better. Many mosquitoes, including those which carry dengue fever, fly to the nearest source of standing water – generally within 20-50 meters of the person bitten.   They lay their eggs and go for another feast and if any previous person was infected with a vector disease this next bite will spread the disease.    A trap as shown would use the septic system water vapor to attract the mosquito (i.e. it is the bait), and would prohibit both the adult (which now could be infected) and the offspring from escaping to bite (again and again). The result would be even more effective than the screens noted above.  See the below demonstration drawing.
 cover septic systems with a screen Clip_image002

The goal of this site it to bring attention to society that they need to put 10 cent screens on house and septic vents to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes in their septic systems.   All we need to do is put metal screens on the septic systems for now.

Another major goal is to get the CDC and World Health Organization to change/modify their web sites and notify all appropriate government agencies to modify and disseminate this information to put 10 cent wire screens on all septic vents and house vents in areas where there are mosquitoes.

The evidence I have will be posted on this site in the future when I have time.
We have numerous PhD’s and MD’s that have agreed and signed a support letter for this mission.

I have a large file I have compiled on mosquitos found in septic systems.   note the file named “screen on septic” is the most applicable evidence written by an organization in India.  There is a link to it below or I can send it.   Then look at the typical recommendations by Ohio State and WHO, they do not see the correlation with screens on septic vents. This is true of the CDC recommendations, they all miss the mosquitoes breeding in septic systems escaping through the vent.

Second to this goal I am trying to get funding to develop a one way funnel trap that allows a mosquito to fly in the vent tube but then the mosquitoes can not fly out after they lay eggs or once they hatch. Very similar in concept to fly and bee type traps that work. We have the natural attractant the vent so lets make use of it.

contact me from this website    Contact me and I can send a large file of documents demonstrating mosquitos do live in septic systems..  about 4 meg if you would like the info I will send it..  
Below are some links I have found from around the world that have noticed mosquitoes live/breed in septic systems.  
-From India this is a case study ICMR specifically page 9 has some graphic representations.
-from India search on google “septic, ICMP, mosquito”
 105, Babu,C.J., Panicker,K.N. and Dass,P.K. Breeding of Aedes aegypti in closed septic tanks. Indian J Med Res 77 (1983) 637.
-  from Hawaii acknowledges septic systems but does not tell about screening vent, just cover openings.
-  Marin County on target telling people to seal off septic vents.  Again not screen but seal.  “Wandersheid said one problem that occurs especially in West Marin results from the fact that most homes here use septic systems. Homeowners need to completely seal off vent pipes to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in septic systems, Wandersheid said.”  Also in Marin

Last edited by dean on Sun Aug 31, 2014 11:11 am; edited 1 time in total


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty example in 2011

Post by dean Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:55 am

In 2011 I found in the campground an open vent to the septic system, so what I did is as you can see put in an adapter and a screen at the top to stop the mosquitoes from coming out.   

cover septic systems with a screen P1000910

Second picture, below is in the evening, you can see many want out.   
cover septic systems with a screen On_scr10

Next below  I reduced the size of the tube trying to determine what diameter tube they can fly through.    They did fly through this diameter but it was not a long distance.   

cover septic systems with a screen P1010010

here is the catch that made it out but not back in the next day.  

cover septic systems with a screen P1010011


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty a testmonial

Post by dean Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:27 pm

Ray H reports he covered his septic vents and it solved his his problem.   He did note he used fiberglass screen and it degraded and he had to replace it.    

Please either send me success stories for me to post with details or post them yourselves.  This may give others the motivation for them to take action if they are still sitting on the fence.


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:59 am

there is a trap in testing by a associate Professor at Tulane.

Mosquito trap targets females laying their eggs

By Ben Coxworth

13:28 December 24, 2010

a professional lecture by her on mosquitos , 3 parts


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty an actual study was done in 2010

Post by dean Wed May 11, 2011 9:55 am

here it is a study in 2010 proves what I have been saying since 2000...

Aedes aegypti;
Culex quinquefasciatus;
aquatic habitats;
septic tanks

Adult Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) were previously recovered from emergence traps on septic tanks in southeastern Puerto Rico. In this study we quantified immature mosquito abundance and its relationship with structural variables of the septic tanks and chemical properties of the water containing raw sewage. A miniaturized floating funnel trap was used to sample 89 septic tanks for larvae in the Puerto Rican community of Playa-Playita. Aedes aegypti larvae were recovered from 18% of the sampled tanks (10.3 larvae per septic tank per day). Larval presence was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls and uncovered access ports. Larval abundance was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls and larger tank surface areas, and inversely associated with the total dissolved solids (TDS). Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) larvae were also recovered from 74% of the septic tanks (129.6 larvae per septic tank per day). Larval presence was negatively associated with TDS in the water and larval abundance was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls. A screened, plastic emergence trap was used to sample 93 septic tanks within the community for Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus adults. Aedes aegypti adults were recovered from 49% of the sampled tanks (8.7 adults per septic tank per day) and Cx. quinquefasciatus adults were recovered from 97% of the sampled tanks (155.5 adults per septic tank per day). Aedes aegypti adult presence was positively associated with cracking, uncapped openings and septic water pH. The Ae. aegypti adult counts were positively associated with cracking and inversely associated with TDS and conductivity. This study marks the first published record of the recovery of Ae. aegypti larvae from holding tanks containing raw sewage in the Caribbean region. Our study indicates that Ae. aegypti larvae are present in sewage water and that septic tanks have at least the potential to maintain dengue transmission during the dry season.

note here in baja we have many more than this, people have reported clouds of mosquitos coming out of septic tanks.


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:06 am

note I began working and publicizing this in 2003.

more sources

Last edited by dean on Wed May 11, 2011 10:00 am; edited 1 time in total


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty Re: cover septic systems with a screen

Post by dean Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:06 am

STOP mosquitos
where can mosquitoes breed?, answer: in septic systems...
stop the dengue carrying Aedes aegypti

A proposition worthy of investigation: Is it possible that a simple 10-cent piece of metal screen can eliminate dengue- or malaria and vector disease carrying mosquitoes in man modified environments? Over 10 PhD and MD's, as well as the Director of Disaster Relief for Central America, have signed a letter suggesting that this should be investigated.

What evidence supports this proposition? The project initiator, who is an inventor with an engineering degree, in the winter lives in a desert area with an average of 3 inches of rain per year. This area of the Baja Mexico has mosquito problems, including the mosquito-bourn dengue fever. The initiator had no mosquito problem until he built a septic system on his property. Inspection of the properly sealed septic system produced mosquitoes flying out of the inspection cover into the initiator’s face demonstrating the habitat or breeding source. After a screen was placed on the air vent to the septic system, the mosquitoes virtually disappeared from the property within a few days. This experiment was duplicated numerous times in a nearby campground. When the screen was placed on the 4-inch septic tank vent in the campground, several hundred to thousands of mosquitoes were seen trapped on the septic system side of the screen. The screen has been missing almost every year at the campground, and each time the sequence reoccurred: people were eaten alive in the campground, then the vents were screened, and the mosquitoes disappeared within a few days. This has been duplicated numerous times.

other evidence
A recent Naples Florida newspaper article 3/27/04 by the Collier Mosquito Control District discussed a problem, a homeowner who was a seasonal resident was finding dead and live mosquitoes in their home bathroom and kitchen when returning after being away for months. This full article link is posted on my web site and is critically important to demonstrating that mosquitoes breed in septic systems and can enter the house via vents/drain systems. This was with a mosquito district inspecting the exterior, how did mosquitoes get into a closed up home. Their conclusions also a link on my web page came to the conclusion to screen the vents and more. Here is one of their answers;
Answer to #1 & 2 (How did they get in, and where were they breeding?):
Mosquitoes were flying down the vent stack, into the septic tank where they were breeding. The water in the toilet bowl and drains would evaporate over time, allowing some mosquitoes to find their way into the house.

Checks of the CDC and WHO websites showed that while both note that mosquitoes breed in septic systems and the septic system should be checked for leaks and damage, neither suggests the screening of septic system vents. This needs to be changed and add vents. Web searches likewise showed that only one U.S. site, (for Stinson Beach, CA.), and only about 4 other cities worldwide (in Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, India, ), recommended screening septic system vents to control/eradicate mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. This implies that simple screens over septic system vents hold the potential for controlling mosquito-bourn diseases, including dengue fever and malaria. Logic follows since it is written up in these 4 regions plus the Florida example this can not be a co-incidence and should suffice to investigate. We must also keep in mind that septic systems are not a natural part of the ecosystem, they are man made so the presence of man has contributed to the increased volume of mosquitoes.

Further thought suggested that if screens are good in this application, a trap would be better. Many mosquitoes, including those which carry dengue fever, fly to the nearest source of standing water – generally within 20-50 meters of the person bitten. They lay their eggs and go for another feast and if any previous person was infected with a vector disease this next bite will spread the disease. A trap as shown would use the septic system water vapor to attract the mosquito (i.e. it is the bait), and would prohibit both the adult (which now could be infected) and the offspring from escaping to bite (again and again). The result would be even more effective than the screens noted above. See the below demonstration drawing.

The goal of this site it to bring attention to society that they need to put 10 cent screens on house and septic vents to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes in their septic systems. All we need to do is put metal screens on the septic systems for now.

Another major goal is to get the CDC and World Health Organization to change/modify their web sites and notify all appropriate government agencies to modify and disseminate this information to put 10 cent wire screens on all septic vents and house vents in areas where there are mosquitoes.

The evidence I have will be posted on this site in the future when I have time.
We have numerous PhD’s and MD’s that have agreed and signed a support letter for this mission.

I have a large file I have compiled on mosquitos found in septic systems. note the file named “screen on septic” is the most applicable evidence written by an organization in India. There is a link to it below or I can send it. Then look at the typical recommendations by Ohio State and WHO, they do not see the correlation with screens on septic vents. This is true of the CDC recommendations, they all miss the mosquitoes breeding in septic systems escaping through the vent.

Second to this goal I am trying to get funding to develop a one way funnel trap that allows a mosquito to fly in the vent tube but then the mosquitoes can not fly out after they lay eggs or once they hatch. Very similar in concept to fly and bee type traps that work. We have the natural attractant the vent so lets make use of it.
contact me at Contact me and I can send a large file of documents demonstrating mosquitos do live in septic systems.. about 4 meg if you would like the info I will send it..

Below are some links I have found from around the world that have noticed mosquitoes live/breed in septic systems. But have not broadcast this to the world to have an effect.
-From India this is a case study ICMR specifically page 9 has some graphic representations.
-from India search on google “septic, ICMP, mosquito”
105, Babu,C.J., Panicker,K.N. and Dass,P.K. Breeding of Aedes aegypti in closed septic tanks. Indian J Med Res 77 (1983) 637.
- from Hawaii acknowledges septic systems but does not tell about screening vent, just cover openings.
- Marin County on target telling people to seal off septic vents. Again not screen but seal. “Wandersheid said one problem that occurs especially in West Marin results from the fact that most homes here use septic systems. Homeowners need to completely seal off vent pipes to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in septic systems, Wandersheid said.” Also in Marin


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty cover sepic and house vents.... screens and future trap

Post by dean Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:57 am

think about it we are a desert with mosquitoes...  yep 2-5 days a year of rain.   it has to be man made breeding grounds.    

So first screen off any septic and house vents with 10 cent metal screens with wire.     this will have a impact within a week if you do this for all vents in your area.   I have proved this time and time again.   next we need to find funding to develop a one way trap like the ones for flies/wasps and so on..  

below is a image on a trap.    But for now just put screen with wire over your vents.    this will stop mosquitoes from breeding in your house traps and septic system.    Litterly thousands of mosquitoes can breed in the septic system and fly out the vent.    I have had people tell me that they have seen clouds of mosquitoes fly out of septic vents here in the baja.  

cover septic systems with a screen Mosqui10

Last edited by dean on Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:35 am; edited 8 times in total


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cover septic systems with a screen Empty cover septic systems with a screen

Post by admin Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:47 pm

Do you have mosquitos?

I have shown that we can control the mosquitoes here by covering the septic vents with metal screens with wire.

If you need more information contact me.

Dean DeVolpi.

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