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a real quality pizza oven with delivery included

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a real quality pizza oven with delivery included Empty a real quality pizza oven with delivery included

Post by dean Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:28 am

Most people are not aware but there is an absolute art to making a pizza oven, most you will ever see they think you make a dome and you have an oven.  NOT, check out my section on home building, there is such an art to it.   And this one meets those standards....

and the price includes delivery...

Artisan Pizza!

Baja Bread's pizza is made in our custom 9 ton, stone and brick - wood fired oven. Custom made by us, it truly sets the standard for wood fired ovens. After a year and half of experimenting with our sauces and doughs on ourselves and friends. We are ready to share with you what we think will be one of the most memorable pizzas ever. We don't skimp on the ingredients. Let us deliver one to you today.


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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