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pay fidicamisio

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pay fidicamisio Empty Re: pay fidicamisio

Post by dean Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:53 am

from ventana view

I don’t know about you, but my life has changed dramatically over the past several years. End of an old relationship, beginning of a new relationship, a young daughter, changes of priorities, and on. As I went through some planning with my advisor here in the U.S., I realized that I should review update my documents South of the Border as well. I realized that I was really unaware of the details of my Fideicomiso, or even who was listed as secondary beneficiary all those years ago. I was uncertain what would happen to my Baja Property if I happened to get run down by the proverbial bus.

Top Reasons to review your Fideicomiso
- Person listed as co-beneficiary or secondary beneficiary is no longer alive
- Divorce or separation from your significant other
- A Child under 18 is listed as co-beneficiary or secondary beneficiary
- You created a Family Trust in the U.S. or Canada
- It has been many years, and you are not sure about your co-beneficiary or secondary beneficiary
- You don’t really understand the details and requirements of your fideicomiso and would like a translation

You may also want to consider creating a Mexican will. It will greatly simplify the process for your heirs when they eventually have to deal with your estate – especially if you have significant other property (a corporation, vehicles, boats, etc) in Baja.

For more assistance or more info, I recommend contacting Alba Walker at The Paper Chase. Alba is a Certified Translator, fluent in English and Spanish, is extremely knowledgeable, and has many years experience assisting the gringo community.

Alba’s contact info:
Email: Office Phone: +52-612-165-6503
Or visit her website at -- Hasta Pronto, Brian G


Posts : 5561
Join date : 2008-01-01

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pay fidicamisio Empty pay fidicamisio

Post by dean Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:37 am

Easy way to pay your property taxes IF you live in Cabo county.
Go to
On the left hand side you will see Impuesto Predial, click on that.
Then enter your Clave # in the space provided. Click again, your tax
bill will come up. You can then pay with a credit card. Very easy.



Posts : 5561
Join date : 2008-01-01

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