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mexico city airport

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mexico city airport Empty Re: mexico city airport

Post by dean Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:40 pm

Mexico City Airport Unveils Capsule Hotel

$35.00 a night...


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mexico city airport Empty Re: mexico city airport

Post by dean Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:25 pm

just flew in there and was doing an overnight connection.

when you get in line to clear immigration/customs if you need a tourist visa they are close to the front of the line, skip the line and go get one of those forms or they send you back. fill it out and they will stamp it and no fee has to be paid it was included in the taxes with the plane ticket.

There is a low cost hotel across the street.Hospedaje Puerto Mexico Aeropuerto;aid=400000; Email:

about $40.00 a night.

go to terminal 1 and take the walkway to expensive camino real hotel. exit the hotel facing the street and go to the right 200 yards. the sidewalk is bad so try not to have to much luggage.

I took a taxi because it was night and pouring rain. Taxi was 100 pesos. morning walked back took 15 minutes.

the airport has all kinds of food. an OXXO with low prices, a Carls Jr, a Chilis, a mongolian BBQ.

Airport has a locker place in terminal 2 near the OXXO

there is a place that if you buy items and you are a tourist you can get your tax money back. They take a 35% commision, and the limits are in cash with receipts about USD300-1000.00 declared value and unlimited on credit card purchases while in mexico not including services and hotels type things. I will post thier website when I find the receipt.


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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mexico city airport Empty mexico city airport

Post by dean Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:56 am

tons of info at this site.   government site in english.  maps and more...

hotel at teh airport


Posts : 5626
Join date : 2008-01-01

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