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LaPinta hotels

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LaPinta hotels Empty LaPinta hotels

Post by dean Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:53 pm

from BPE

Here are all the La Pinta telephone numbers direct. I stay with them for 10 years now and never had any issues. The used to make discount cards for people that live in Baja. You need to show them a FM2/3 or a power bill in your name, telephone etc. Just to proof that you have a residence. They take dogs and after you get the discount card they give you 40% off on the room and 10% food and drink.

Catavina 012001249123
Ensenada 016461762601
Guerrero Negro 016131571305
Loreto 016131350690
San Ignacio 016151540300
San Quintin 01611659008

Hope this helps


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