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The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split

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The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split Empty The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split

Post by admin Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:41 am

baja western onion

Solar Air Conditioning - The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split has been introduced to Baja. The unit will run on 700 watts of solar or wind all day and 24 hour battery back operation up with only 4 185amphour batteries. Synergy air is manufactured in Bakersfield CA and Toronto Canada.The units 12000 btu ac/13500 btu heat pump can be installed on existing solar systems or new.The unit is operating at our offices 6 days a week. Our cfe bill has dropped from $350 U.S. to $40 U.S. per month. For more information call steve or sherri at Baja Wind Technology in La Paz. at 612 122 1102 cel 612 157 7754 - Steve Thomson,, La Paz

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The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split Empty Re: The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split

Post by dean Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:06 pm


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The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split Empty how to calculate ac needs

Post by dean Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:58 am

how to calculate ac energy needs, this would be an insulated home.

Based on size alone, an air conditioner generally needs 20 Btu for each square foot of living space. Other important factors to consider when selecting an air conditioner are room height, local climate, shading, and window size.
Energy Efficiency of Room Air Conditioners

A room air conditioner's efficiency is measured by the energy efficiency ratio (EER). The EER is the ratio of the cooling capacity (in British thermal units [Btu] per hour) to the power input (in watts). The higher the EER rating, the more efficient the air conditioner. National appliance standards require room air conditioners to have an energy efficiency ratio (EER) ranging from 8.0–9.8 or greater, depending on the type and capacity, and ENERGY STAR qualified room air conditioners have even higher EER ratings.
Fans can make you feel 3 to 8 degrees cooler, allowing you to dial your AC to a higher temperature and still feel just as cool. (NY Times)  Put the wind-chill factor to work for you!  And ceiling fans are cheaper than you might expect: they start out around $40 at your local home improvement store, and usually cost less than a penny an hour to run. (A typical 36" / 48" / 52" ceiling fan uses about 55 / 75 / 90 watts of electricity respectively at the top speed.) Central AC costs seventy times more to run than a fan.

The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split Captur10


another way to estimate power demand

The output power capacity is a measure of the amount of heat that will be removed (cooling) or added (heating) to the room/s in your house by the air conditioner. The output range you need will depend upon your particular requirements. Air conditioner outputs are measured in kilowatts (kW). As an approximate guide for sizing a room unit allow:

   125watts (0.125kW) per square metre of floor area to be cooled in living areas
   80 watts (0.080kW) per square metre of floor area in bedrooms

These estimates depend on the climate and the efficiency of your house design (orientation, glazing and insulation levels). Clive Anthonys can assist you in a full heating or cooling load calculation. For warmer climatic zones like Queensland refer to a maximum rating. Make extra allowances for high ceilings such as cathedral ceilings.


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The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split Empty Re: The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split

Post by dean Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:35 pm


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The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split Empty Re: The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split

Post by dean Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:56 pm


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The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split Empty Re: The first solar/wind powered ac/heat 1 ton split

Post by dean Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:30 pm

more ac info


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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