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fines for trafic violations

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fines  for trafic violations Empty Re: fines for trafic violations

Post by dean Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:24 am

The Cost, Boss (Courtesy of the Gringo Gazette posted 3/31/16)
"The Federal Police have posted billboards throughout the country informing the population on the cost of fines for traffic infractions on federal highways. In our case that means the fourlane, the corridor, the highway from hell. We’re giving it to you in dollars, and because of the fluctuating exchange rate these are approximate. The fine is cast in stone in pesos, however.
Car speeding: $289
Truck speeding: $412
Not using seat belts: $103
Using cell phone while driving: $83
Driving under the influence $825.
Fines may be paid online, at or at the federal police headquarters, located on the toll road to the international airport in San Jose. Geeze, no wonder there’s so much bribery going on. There is no way the average Mexican can pay this, it would bankrupt the family. There is no way out but to try a bribe. City fines are way more fair, very cheap. Be careful with the Feds anyway, they are bad hombres."


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fines  for trafic violations Empty Re: fines for trafic violations

Post by dean Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:21 pm


If you encounter a Problem with a Police Officer while driving:
Policia Municipal may stop drivers for violations. They can give tickets, and if the violation is blatant, it is possible the police officer will hold onto the driver's license. If taken, the driver's license is attached to the ticket, and the driver may retrieve it when the ticket is paid. The Police officer can ask the driver to step out of the car, but only if there is a suspicion of drug or alcohol use, weapons, or equally serious threat. A Police officer may not ask you for money.
Lic. Lopez directs us to do the folowing if a police officer asks for money:
•             Verify that the police officer is from Municipal or Estatal (it says clearly on the vehicle) and write down the vehicle identification number. The number of the vehicle is on the rear side. Obtaining the vehicle identification number is the best way to identify the officer.
•             Call for support. Take your time. Call a friend who speaks Spanish, if that is easiest for you. Or, call directly to the Central de Policia:
                The Central de la Policia 612-129-4558
•             Be prepared to say this;  " I was stopped by a Policia Municipal Officer, with the Patrol number__________________. He is asking me for money"
                " Me paró un oficial de la Policía Municipal, con el número de patrulla     __________________.   Me está pidiendo dinero."
•             Take a photo of the police           officer and his car. You have the right to do this!
•             The Central de la Policía will dispatch a car to you, so be aware of your location.

Afterwards, call Oficina de Director General at 122-0477 or go to the Transit office. The transit office is on the corner of Colima y Mexico. It is housed in a large building that says "Transito". The phone number to the transit office is 612 137 0118. You will be able to write up a complaint. Keep a copy of it. This documentation allows Lic. Lopez and Comandante Ceseña to appropriately discipline the police officer as well as track the occurances.


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fines  for trafic violations Empty lapaz fines

Post by dean Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:44 am

pay within 7 days and ticket is 50% off.


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fines  for trafic violations Empty Re: fines for trafic violations

Post by dean Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:26 am

BAJA UPDATE - Know Your Rights with Traffic Violations.
2:08 PM | Posted by Baja Good Life Club | | Edit Post

Many people have experienced or know people who have been stopped for perceived or true traffic violations. Some have been told that they can pay the officer and go on their way.

DO NOT pay the offending officer(s) anything, Instead hand then the document "NOTICE TO MEXICAN POLICE OFFICERS / AVISO A USTED OFICIAL DE POLICIA" (Link below) to read.

Keep this document with your vehicle registration and give it to the officer if or when you get stopped. Do not pay a mordita/bribe, hand the officer the letter and explain that you will voluntarily follow the officer to the local police station, where the can have the pay the required fine.
Click Below Link Save and Print:

The letter was provide by El Dorado S.A.F.E. (a volunteer group made up of owners at El Dorado Ranch in San Felipe), and supported by the Baja Good Life Club.

here is the letter link


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fines  for trafic violations Empty Re: fines for trafic violations

Post by dean Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:38 pm

There is a public worker's union office specifically charged with investigating police matters, and firing corrupt officials. It is called the "Sindicatura," and it is a name you should remember. It is pronounced "seen-dee-kah-too-ra."

It does not matter if the officer speaks English, or understands anything of what you are saying. When he hears that word, the game is usually over. It has been said by a Mexican observer, "Sindicatura to a police officer is like a gold cross to a vampire." They are the "untouchables" of the local government.

Sindicatura del Gobierno Municipal

Tijuana (664) 688-2810, 973-7770, 973-7759, 683-4095

Ensenada (646) 617,1561, 176-2222, 617-1561

Mexicali (686) 558-1600 x1661

( Note: these phone numbers are unverified. )

It might be useful to have a small sheet taped to the back of your drivers license with these phone numbers written below the words Sindicatura del Gobierno Municipal.

If you have a phone number for the Sindicatura in another Baja city, please send the information to me by email: ftm @

The Sindicatura organization in Tijuana has a website at


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fines  for trafic violations Empty Re: fines for trafic violations

Post by dean Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:34 am

Courtesy of the - On the Pacific side

The following is from Peggy Dillman, former Canadian Honorary Consul.
Now that I have retired as Canada's Honorary Consul for the State of Baja California Sur as of March 31, I thought that all my good friends in Tomatoes could benefit from some of my experiences. Here's one:

NEVER leave the original registration in your car. Put a copy in your car and carry the original in your wallet or some other safe place so that the original will always be with you when you're driving, but not left in the car.

We had a case where an SUV was stolen. The owners reported the theft to the police, who found the SUV a few days later. The police called the owners, who went to identify the car, and, they thought, to get it back. The police refused to release the car to its rightful owners because they did not have the ORIGINAL registration. It had been in the car when it was stolen.

If you think that these hints are helpful, or would like to hear the end of this story, please email me at PeggyTaschereau@ .


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fines  for trafic violations Empty fines for trafic violations

Post by dean Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:02 am

here is general info for tourists


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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