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computer or phone repair in lapaz

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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty Re: computer or phone repair in lapaz

Post by dean Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:18 am

facebook wrote:Alec QThe Wallmart mall in Cabo has a cel phone repair store that replaces screens for approx. 1200 pesos


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty Re: computer or phone repair in lapaz

Post by blackwolf Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:34 am

lpg wrote:Kreisoft is excellent for MAC repair. They are located on Serdan between Rosales and Allende.


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty computer repair

Post by dean Thu Nov 24, 2016 5:10 am

He comes to LaVentana... on certain days.

computer or phone repair in lapaz Comput10


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty Re: computer or phone repair in lapaz

Post by dean Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:01 am

lpg wrote:
There at least two shops that do iPhone repairs on Colosio. They are on the right as you go from Abasolo. One is just before El Gallo a big hardware store painted predominantly red ( I had my iPhone 4 screen that had been smashed replaced there over night and then there is a bigger shop that is one of the best techno shops in La Paz it is on the corner about two blocks before you get to the town hall. I am not sure but I think its called Mas electronics. or similar. They do iPhone repairs but I have not had direct experience of them other than buying other electronic stuff.


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty Re: computer or phone repair in lapaz

Post by dean Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:31 pm

LPG wrote:malcolm, i've used MANUEL BELTRAN for 8 yrs.  comes to your house and he's kept 6 older macbooks running just fine.  like robert say's kreasoft is also authorized but usually needs the computer for a week or so.
manuel is punctual, speaks pretty good english, and a heck of a nice guy.  his phone  612 104 8290.  i also copied him in so you have his email.  i call, text or email and he's on it!!
good luck 


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty apple repair and speaks english via LPG

Post by dean Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:12 pm

try Kreasoft. 298, Aquiles Serdán, Zona Centro, 23000 La Paz, BCS, Mexico
+52 612 125 8213.!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x2bdc8666a8ca05d4?sa=X&ved=0CCkQrwswAGoVChMI8dvq1sLNyAIVV_NjCh2VFAKY


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty Re: computer or phone repair in lapaz

Post by dean Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:56 pm

on bravo by old ccc


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty Re: computer or phone repair in lapaz

Post by dean Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:37 am


Friday I delivered a Mac to PC La Paz for a friend. One hour later, I got an email from their computer repair person, Peepe, saying it was fixed. And I had just had a similar experience with my own laptop... thought it was dead... but now it works better than new!
Av. Camino Real y Antonio Wilson
612 11 4 82 80
The owner Sergio Alberto Mendoza Castro and his brother speak excellent English. Peepe speaks some English.

Expert, affordable, reliable, fast... just the best!


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty Re: computer or phone repair in lapaz

Post by dean Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:03 am


I recently used a computer shop in La Paz to repair my wife's Mac Book. Their service was excellent!!! and I'm a computer geek. I just found out that they not only are an authorized Mac repair shop but they also repair Window's computers. When you bring an item to the shop, these guys inventory everything you bring (so nothing is misplaced) and email you when the job is complete. Their English is great. Their prices are very good, considering the quality of their work - excellent. The company infor: Kreasoft, 298 Aquiles Serdan e/Rosales y Allende, La Paz. 612 125 8286. Web site:


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty Re: computer or phone repair in lapaz

Post by dean Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:06 pm

from vv
I lost my power supply in my Dell computer. Not knowing were to take it we went to La Paz and started a one day journey looking for a repair shop.
We had great luck. We found a shop that specializes in Dell repairs.
The name of the shop is CBC located on Altamirano 1/2 block west of 16 Septiembre and on the north side of Altamirano. The owners name is Manuel Olachea, the phone number is 1230897.
Bill and Betty


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computer or phone repair in lapaz Empty computer or phone repair in lapaz

Post by admin Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:58 pm

from BPE

The techs from Groupo Logical will be in Los Barriles on this Tuesday or
Wednesday.  If you have issues in your computer that need to be changed
such as outgoing ports, they can assist you.  They have a dedicated mail
server that can bypass those Prodigy issues.  Both Leo Lage and
Alejandro speak very good English.  Their number in La Paz is 612
122-0873 or 612 122 5174.   Their shop is at 1850 Navarro in La Paz -
two stores before Padre Kino.  If you need computer, printer, monitor,
laptop repair - that's where I take my gear when I'm too lazy to fix it
myself.  Fernando is the shop's expert repair tech and he speaks very
good English.  The Computer Guy.

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