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capital gains discussion

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capital gains discussion Empty Re: capital gains discussion

Post by dean Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:44 pm

Capital Gains Taxes on Mexican Properties

Oct. 22, 2015 UPDATE
On October 18, the Mexican Congress amended the tax law for 2016.    Under the new rules, our primary residence will be exempt from capital gains after living in the home for just 3 years, instead of the current law’s every 5 years.
Soda pop manufacturers got a boost with 50% reductions in taxes on high-calorie drinks.
The tax limit on cars has been raised from 130,000 pesos to $175,000 for 2016.


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capital gains discussion Empty capital gains

Post by dean Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:51 am

Now the law defines new limits and clearly defines a primary residence to help close the loophole that allowed speculators/developers to quickly flip a property and still call it a primary residence. Today, the seller has to prove that the residence has been used for five years. If the seller has used the property for less than five years, he or she is not exempt from paying the Capital Gains Tax. In Mexico's Chapala-Ajijic area, Notarios have been requiring these phone or electric receipts, bank statements or invoices for the entire five-year period to prove residence requirements are met. Hold on to them.


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capital gains discussion Empty capital gains discussion

Post by dean Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:45 pm


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