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way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad

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way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad  Empty Re: way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad

Post by dean Sun Jul 03, 2022 10:09 am

I have done this with more than 300 avocados now the vacuum bags do not work great, they are to ridged.
 Just wrapping them with plastic wrap is the best so far.  Never add water when doing this.   And they must perfectly softened/ripe when you wrap them before putting in the fridge, if you do not wrap totally it will go bad also.   and am working a new product that is reusable for this purpose to not waste plastic.


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way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad  Empty Re: way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad

Post by dean Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:53 pm

I bought more and tested the wrap right away and agaon 9 were ripe/soft in 3 days and the one I wraped right away is at day 5 right now and not soft.

I have also learned it is a softening process not ripening process leaving them out.,maturity%2C%20storage%20temperature%20and%20variety.

When to pick avocados

The best place to keep fruit until used is on the tree. Some avocado varieties hold their fruit satisfactorily for several months, others for only a relatively short time. This is a varietal and seasonal characteristic. The best place to store the fruit is on the tree. Picking only a few fruit at a time when needed may extend the harvest period many months.

Fruit refrigerated below ordinary temperatures may not soften properly. After the fruit has softened, it can be held in the refrigerator for a few more days.


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way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad  Empty Re: way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad

Post by dean Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:08 pm

Well I ate one yesterday at about 6 weeks and I swear it was even more perfectly ripe than the others were.   So out of all of them to date not one bad one.  

Next I bought some more a week ago and decided to see as I ripened them at room temperature as I have sone forever, if I wrap one of the 5 up with plastic and ripen it will it be any different.     And sure enough it did, my 3-4 day ripening turned to be about 6 or 7 days.     I will do this again and actually write down the days.


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way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad  Empty Re: way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad

Post by dean Sun Sep 26, 2021 9:07 am

well I am now at about 3 weeks and still not one bad one in the bunch. Amazing... I did another quick search on the internet and still can not find anyone suggesting this. I even found where Glad the manufacturer of plastic wrap tells you how to wrap a cut one. The cut one is a no-brainer but saw a comparison of it with several other like olive oil, lemon and so on and no real difference.

You would think glad would know about this and have it on their site on how to stop the browsing of avocados.


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way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad  Empty way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad

Post by dean Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:53 am

way to prevent ripened whole avocados from going bad after ripening them to perfect levels.

recently before the hurricane threat I purchased a bunch of very green avocados, i had misplaced a bag in my car and had bought more to replace it, i bought more 2 bags. So I ended up with some that were already in the fridge because they were ripe, a discovered bag in my car, and two bags that were very green. So about 30 avocados in total. I eat about 1/2 to one a day. I had been experimenting with how to stop them from going brown when they were whole for a long time. Trying anything I could from the internet that sounded reasonable.

I ripened them and put them in the fridge and they would go bad, I tried putting them in a sealed clear container and they seemed to last longer but not long enough and I did not want half of these to go bad. So i decided in a new strategy, i had noticed when they were in my plastic container there would be condensation inside the container. IE they were losing moisture. So what I did is ripened all of them outside the fridge the same way I always did and wrapped each one in plastic wrap knowing they would not be able to "sweat" out moisture as easily or at a very low rate and kept them in the fridge.

Well I am happy to announce that in two weeks so far every single one of them i have opened is just perfect so far. Normally about half would have been bad after a week in the fridge, even in the airtight container diving me a few days more. And by 9 or so days all would be bad.

So is this a fluke or is this avocado salvation. Can some others try this and see if it is the real deal.


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