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vaccines in Mexico

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vaccines in Mexico Empty Re: vaccines in Mexico

Post by dean Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:11 am


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vaccines in Mexico Empty vaccines in Mexico

Post by dean Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:09 pm

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New post on Surviving Yucatan

COVID Vaccine Availablity in Mexico
by yucalandia

January 12, 2021
We've had many people in FB expat groups asking when they can get "The Vaccine" here in Yucatan - as they hoped to maybe get it in January or February.
1. Mexico has received only about 75,000 doses of vaccine up until today, and it was just the Pfizer vaccine. => No vaccines available for Yucatan at all, so far.
Per this morning's daily Federal COVID-Press Conference:
2. Mexico just received 435,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, today.Most of those doses will go to the highest priority places in Mexico with the worst COVID-19 problems: Mexico City & Coahuila.
3. Preliminary reports from the Federal Gob. say that Merida - Yucatan will receive "some" doses , possibly Wed. or Thursday. Those limited numbers of doses will ONLY go to front-line medical workers in Govt. hospital's COVID wards. Unlike Boston & other places in the USA, NONE will be for hospital administrators et al.
4. Our President AMLO says he will wait his turn until sometime in March, when they hope to have vaccine doses for people over age 65. (He is 67.)
5. AMLO also says that his dose may be either: the "Sputnik V"**, or Cansino* (Canadian-Chinese joint effort), or possibly even the Oxford Vaccine (all still in Phase 3 trials).
6. Unlike the USA, the vaccine will be free here in Mexico, available even to foreigners, with foreigners receiving vaccines based on their age along with Mexicans of the same age group.
7. Even our President says he may not get vaccinated until "March" - as he plans to wait his turn, along with the other 67 yr olds.
8. Even our President does not know which vaccine will be available for him ... WE SHOULD ALL REALIZE that expat readers may have to accept what-ever vaccine is avalable: ... Cansino, Sinovac, Moderna, Pfizer or "Sputnik V" vaccines.
In our professional opinion, it appears that if an over age 65 reader wants to get the Oxford, or Moderna, or Pfizer vaccine here in Yucatan ... they may not have a choice, except to wait until late Spring or early Summer for the vaccine they want to become available ...
because in March or April, the only vaccine available to you may be
~ 1 of the 5 Chinese vaccines* ... or
~ **The "Gam-CovidVac" vaccine (aka the Sputnik V) ... Russian vaccine ... is the 300,000 Sputnik V doses currently being used in Argentina - so, we will likely have lots of data from over ½ million patients, on the Gam-CovidVac Russian vaccine by the time it is delivered to Mexico.

THIS MEANS WE ALL NEED TO BE WEARING TIGHT-FITTING MEDICAL GRADE MASKS ... and Social distancing between 8 ft to 12 ft for at least the coming 6 months
Details here:
Additional Key COVID-19 Vaccine Information:
Per Pfizer's official warnings:
" ... people with a significant history of allergic reactions
should not be given this vaccine for now. "
The CDC also warns:
" If you have had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (like PEG or nanoparticles, etc), you should not get either of the currently available mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. "
A Brief Synopsis of Current COVID Vaccine Realities:
There are just 2 vaccines that have finished & passed Phase 3 trials: The Pfizer-BioNTecH vaccine and the Moderna vaccine. ... Astra-Zenica - Oxford jumped the gun last November when they announce partial preliminary Phase 3 Trial results on the Oxford vaccine, when in reality the Oxford vaccine testing programs made huge Phase 3 trial mistakes (apparently from rushing through the trials).
Because of the big mistakes, Oxford Pfizer is currently re-running roughly ½ their Phase 3 trial efforts, to try to determine the efficacy & problems of giving just a ½ dose in the first jab, and then a full dose in the 2'nd jab 3 weeks later.
Note that there 5 different Chinese vaccines ... with Coronavac & Cansino vaccines leading the pack, by being furthest along in Phase 3 trials. Consider also that the Chinese vaccines tend to all be based on using some attenuated form of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
and ... The Russian-made Gam-CovidVac (aka Sputnik V) vaccine may soon be available in Mexico,
though they previously tested it on just 1,900 patients - while, by comparison the Pfizer vaccine was tested on roughly 44,000 patients ... (with 42% of the 44,000 Pfizer patients being in the key elderly group ... and 41% were Black, Latino or Native American heritage).

Note that by the time the Russian Gam-CovidVac is available here in Yucatan, it will have been used (tested) on over 300,000 Argentinians.
We will continue tp offer more details as they arise.
Dr. Steven M. Fry
Ph.D. in Measurement & Laboratory Science, Chemistry, Public Health, and Aerosol Science
* * * * * * *
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yucalandia | January 12, 2021 at 3:40 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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