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humanitarian FMM extensions

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humanitarian FMM extensions Empty humanitarian FMM extensions

Post by dean Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:18 am

Extending your FMM visa in Mexico
During the time of COVID you can get your FMM (tourist) visa renewed for 180 days without leaving Mexico.  It is called a Humanitarian visa.  You can NOT get this done until your current FMM expires.  Here is the list of things you will need to take to imigration

Expired Visa
Passport (take copies)
A letter stating why you need the visa written in Spanish.  I will post a copy
The form
What you want to do : “Regularize immigration Status”
Specify: Regularización por razones humanitarias
Note when looking for a country the USA is listed 3 different ways.  One being “estadounidense”
NOTE: that you must fill out a form for each person even though the website ask you if you want to add a person.

Instituto Nacional de Migration
Por medio de la presente, bajo protesta de decir verdad, solicito la regularización de mi FMM por razones humanitarias, debido a haber sufrido una afectación directa como consecuencia de las medidas internacionales para atender la contingencia sanitaria generada por el COVID-19 que impide mi regreso a mi pasis de origen, “YOUR TOWN IN USA”, E.U.A

Protesto lo necesario siendo el “DATE” en “CITY IN MEXICO”


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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