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Coronavirus and viruses

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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sat Apr 23, 2022 8:59 am

bravo street hospital takes walk in for booster shoots.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:10 am


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty closed moving to this location.

Post by dean Sat May 02, 2020 11:41 am

all moved to here...


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sat May 02, 2020 11:31 am



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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Fri May 01, 2020 8:17 pm


Last edited by dean on Sat May 02, 2020 1:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Fri May 01, 2020 3:24 pm


Last edited by dean on Sat May 02, 2020 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:40 am


Last edited by dean on Sat May 02, 2020 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:05 pm


Last edited by dean on Sat May 02, 2020 1:04 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:05 pm

A recent random test shows 20 percent ish of NYers have antibodies. Hence the rates they gave are way off with this data. So 19000 were dead with 1/5 the population and we have if it was left unchecked possibly more than 90,000 that would have died in one state alone.
Again Mexico and USA are different USA right now is 166 deaths per million and Mexico is 10 per million. Again leading theory that is being tested is Mexico had the TB vaccine as did hundreds of countries with similar to lower rates vs the countries like USA Belgium 600 deaths per million who did not have that vaccination.

also here is another old people update

COVID-19 Pooled probabilities  for Multiple Risk Factors
Between Age 60 – 69 yrs Combined Risk
( X Times Higher) Comorbidity (% of deaths) Age Factor        (% of deaths)
Coronavirus and viruses Yuca10


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:21 pm

Meet the ICU nurse who silently stood in protest at rally to reopen Arizona


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:57 pm

very interesting,  they are doing statistical sampling and have come back with my multiplier....      I was giving a ratio of 40 to one for Mexico with an upper range of a ratio of 1000 from dead in Mexico coming from a TB vaccinated population of  0.01 percent mortality.

New studies suggest huge undercount of coronavirus infections — but are they right?

The number of COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County may be more than 50 times greater than the official count, according to preliminary results from a new study by the University of Southern California, which estimates that as many as 442,000 adult residents of Los Angeles County may have already been infected.

The implication, as lead USC investigator Neeraj Sood told reporters Monday, is that “the true extent of the infection in our communities” is far greater than previously known.

Last edited by dean on Sat May 02, 2020 1:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:22 pm

so much for Singapore testing and tracking was the claim to their fame.

Less than a month ago, Singapore was being hailed as one of the countries that had got its coronavirus response right.

© ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP/AFP via Getty Images People look on as the letters and symbol SG Love, lights the facade of Marina Bay Sands as message of hope amid the nations fight against COVID-19 coronavirus in Singapore on April 10, 2020.
Encouragingly for the rest of the world, the city-state seemed to have suppressed cases without imposing the restrictive lockdown measures endured by millions elsewhere.

And then the second wave hit, hard. Since March 17, Singapore's number of confirmed coronavirus cases grew from 266 to over 5,900, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:01 am

Coronavirus and viruses 5e6bf336e4f9fe0a976c50e7?width=800&format=jpeg&auto=webp


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:32 pm

gates on vaccines where the world wackos think it is a conspiracy.

In 1997, when he and Melinda first ventured into public health … they focused on birth control, funding a Johns Hopkins effort to use computers to help women in the developing world learn about contraception. The logic was crisp and Bill Gates-friendly. Health = resources ÷ people. And since resources, as Gates noted, are relatively fixed, the answer lay in population control.

As further discussed in this piece, Gates later came to the conclusion that birth control was not the best approach to achieve the goal of slower population growth, instead realizing that — counterintuitively — a reduction in childhood mortality was the best way to limit population growth:

In society after society, he saw, when the mortality rate falls—specifically, below 10 deaths per 1,000 people—the birth rate follows, and population growth stabilizes. “It goes against common sense,” Gates says. Most parents don’t choose to have eight children because they want to have big families, it turns out, but because they know many of their children will die.

“If a mother and father know their child is going to live to adulthood, they start to naturally reduce their population size,” says Melinda.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:03 pm

no link for next one... 1 trillion dollars to prove it...

Quotable: Dr. Michael Osterholm, at the University of Minnesota, said he had no doubt that the six-foot distance would clearly “reduce the number of droplets you come in contact with.” But, he added: “The question is what does it take for you to get infected? And that I think is the trillion-dollar question.”


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:56 am

the argument of facemasks.     ,, they missed a few things in this research, one being it increased a person to believe they are secure so they spend more time out. And stores are not happy with people hanging out, a letter from costco home depot employees say shop fast get out. The employees are at larger risk the longer you think you are now safe so you stay longer. Next this happened with me, they do note the education issue but missed a huge point, people belive that the means of transmission is airborne when they have to use a mask, when the real culprit is touching what an infected person touched. This was directly brought to my attention with a 14 year old child who told me I was wrong because they are telling everyone to wear masks. This rationalization is from human factors people can visualize the cough with smell, someone releases gas and you can smell it through the entire room. Hense a child and or not scientific person will only believe in facemasks and then clean their hands less. In this case, she believed she could touch me and not wash her hands as much. I find these researchers at Cambridge very lacking when they know that not one study ever done shows airborne is the transmission mechanism.

There are three general arguments frequently presented against broad general use of face masks: there is no evidence they protect a person from contracting the virus, mass adoption takes valuable resources away from frontline healthcare workers, and they instill a false sense of security in the wearer, resulting in reduced adherence to other important hygiene measures.

The editorial does note prior research investigating real-world mask use in regards to influenza transmission found masks confer “no significant protection.” However, many of the arguments for mask wearing suggest the point of advocating broad mask use is about limiting transmission from those unaware they are infected, instead of acting as a protective measure for healthy subjects.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:03 am

More than 2,200 coronavirus deaths in nursing homes, but federal government isn't tracking them


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:21 am

Eating Enough Vitamin C to Keep Your Immune System at Peak Efficiency
During times of stress ... and during Coronavirus spreading .. We need a daily consumption of 500 mg - 1000 mg. total of vitamin C ... split into at least four (4) ... 125 mg doses .... each about 4 hours apart. Taking a single Vitamin C supplement pill in the morning just doesn't work, because we pee out ~eliminate through urination~... the Vitamin C about 4 hrs after eating it.
500 mg - 1,000 Vit. C a day is necessary during stressful times to protect your already stress compromised immune system, specifically higher levels of Vit. C throughout the day ... to protect our highly-important immune compounds ~ responses that fight Coronaviruses ...
By taking enough Vit. C, the Vitamin C acts a "body-guard" molecules throughout your body to protect critical ... Antibodies & Lymphokines and Immune System defense cells: Macrophages, Killer-T Cells (T-Lymphocytes), Dendritic Cells, White Blood Cells (Basophils & Eosinophiles) .... the key defensive components of our immune system, that attack and destroy the Coronaviruses ... But note.... These immune system components need protection, by their own body-guards, so they don't get ruined before they can do their job.
Sadly, all of these critical immune system components are all damaged or ruined by the consequences of viral attacks on our nasal, throat, & lung lining (mucosal lining) cells. When the virus causes the death of our mucosal layer cells .. the dying cells lyse (apoptosis) and split open, releasing lots of nasty free-radicals, nitric oxide & harmful oxidants... chemicals that damage or wreck our immune system's Antibodies & Lymphokines and Immune System defense cells.
To protect these most important immune system components, they need a powerful-but-proven-safe anti-oxidant "body-guard" molecule, like Vitamin C. ... Vitamin C reacts within nano-seconds to neutralize the free radicals, oxidants & nitric oxide & cell death products => protecting our critical Immune System components, allowing them to do their jobs of killing viruses & bacterial invaders.
Why eat Vitamin C?
Only 2 kinds of creatures on earth need to eat dietary Vitamin C ... Primates ( including Humans) ... & Red Vented Bul-bul birds. ... Why? .. All other animals evolved to make it themselves, but because we primates have evolved over millions of years, with lots of fresh fruits & veg in our diet, we don't make it ourselves... and we must EAT Vit C every day .... Pigs make their own Vitamin C, Goats, Cats, Dogs make their Vitamin C.... but we have to eat FOODS CONTAINING Vitamin C, about 4 times a day.
~ Stay well, stay informed, stay safe. ~
Four (4) doses of Vitamin C @ 125 mg per dose, requires the following amount of foods, 4 times a day.
Servings (as cups) every 4 hours of Vitamin C ... Vit C Content .... mg / serving
10 cups - Apple (manzana) = 12 mg. (1 cup raw)
12 cups - Avocado (aguacate)=10 mg (1 cup raw).
1½ cup -Brocoli = 81 mg (1 cup raw)
1¼ cup - Cabbage (repollo) = 93 mg. (1 cup raw)
2 cup- Cantaloupe (Melon Chino) = 57 mg (1 cup serving)
2/3 cup- Chaya 180 mg (1 cup serving)
... a super-food with 7 g protein, 300 mg Ca, 10 mg iron,1357 units Vitamin A, (1 cup raw)
2½ cup - Grape fruit (toronja)= 50 mg (whole)
1/3 cup of Guava (guayaba)= 373 mg (1 cup raw)
1½ cup - Kiwi = 93 mg (1 cup raw)
3 -Lemon = 44 mg (whole)
4 - Lime (Limon)= 30 mg (whole)
2 cup - Mango = 60 mg (1 cup raw)
2 - Orange (Naranja) = 58 mg (whole)
1 cup - Orange Juice (Jugo de Naranja) = 125 mg (1 cup)
2/3 cup- Pepper (pimiento rojo)= 190 mg (1 cup raw)
1¼ cup - Pepper -Green Chile (spicy) (ChileVerde) = 109 mg (1 cup raw)
1¼ cup - Papaya = 100 mg (1 cup raw)
1½ - cup - Pineapple (Piña) = 78 mg (1 cup raw)
2 cup - Potato (Papas) (Microwaved) = 72 mg
1¼ cup - Strawberry (fresa) = 100 mg. (1 cup raw)
Again, these portions are eaten about 4 times a day, to maintain good Vit C levels to fight the Coronavirus.
NOTE: Boiling any of these reduces Vitamin C by at least 50% ... Microwaving preserves most Vit C.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:58 am

boy does this look good...    in essence, it appears Mexico does get the TB vaccine and because of it, i had been wondering why their death rates were so low.    So before I was estimating at a 1% mortality we could have a 40 to one multiplier in cases.     This would mean at 0.1 percent vs the 1% it is 400 times multiplier for cases.      

This will have huge positive  implications for Mexico.

Coronavirus: More ‘striking’ evidence BCG vaccine might protect against Covid-19
Study shows countries with vaccination programmes have far fewer cases
Mon, Apr 6, 2020, 15:16 Updated: Mon, Apr 6, 2020, 15:18

More “striking” evidence has emerged that the BCG vaccine given to counter TB may provide protection against Covid-19 and significantly reduce death rates in countries with high levels of vaccination.

A study of 178 countries by an Irish medical consultant working with epidemiologists at the University of Texas in Houston shows countries with vaccination programmes – including Ireland – have far fewer coronavirus cases by a factor 10, compared to where BCG programmes are no longer deployed.

This translates into a death rate up to 20-times less, according to urologist Paul Hegarty of the Mater Hospital, Dublin.

Their “correlation” study, expected to be published shortly by PLOS journal, is largely a statistical one and comes with caveats because of possibility of confounding factors. But it is more comprehensive than an initial one conducted in New York, which prompted a scaling up of clinical trials on people with Covid-19.

To reduce the possibility of error, the researchers re-evaluated cases during the course of the pandemic and made country-by-country comparisons including between Ireland and the UK, Mr Hegarty said. “We did not expect to see such a marked difference.”

“Over the 15 days, incidence of Covid-19 was 38 per million in countries with BCG vaccination whereas the incidence of Covid-19 was 358 per million in the absence of such a programme. The death rate was 4.28 per million in countries with BCG programmes and 40 per million in countries without such a programme,” he added.

Vacuna BCG contra la tuberculosis


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Wed Apr 08, 2020 3:48 pm

COMMENTARY: Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data
Filed Under: COVID-19
Lisa M Brosseau, ScD, and Margaret Sietsema, PhD  | Apr 01, 2020
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People wearing masks on a train
Vergani_Fotografia / iStock
Dr. Brosseau is a national expert on respiratory protection and infectious diseases and professor (retired), University of Illinois at Chicago.
Dr. Sietsema is also an expert on respiratory protection and an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


Last edited by dean on Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Wed Apr 08, 2020 3:43 pm

Coronavirus and viruses 4-4a10

Coronavirus and viruses 4-7_en10

I think these would be worth getting ordered one from china 2 month delivery time.    I have my homemade DIY handwash stations.

Coronavirus and viruses Amazon10

Coronavirus and viruses Handwa10


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:15 am

Modern iron lung designed to address ventilator shortage


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Mon Apr 06, 2020 3:43 pm

does testing solve the problem when it is a new outbreak?


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:53 am

cdc says wear masks.. I disagree for the reasons WHO still says.

Experts have been divided on the topic of mask wearing over the past week. Some have suggested mass population mask wearing may reduce levels of community transmission considering there is increasing evidence of asymptomatic transmission. However, other experts have expressed concern masks can breed a false sense of security, resulting in wearers relaxing social distancing measures and general hygiene practices.

It is this particular concern that seems to be causing the World Health Organization to hold back from instituting general mask wearing recommendations. Michael Ryan, Chief Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, reiterated this point at the WHO’s most recent press briefing.

“We must preserve medical, surgical and respirator masks for our front-line workers but the idea of using respiratory coverings or mouth coverings to prevent coughing and sneezing projecting disease into the environment or towards others; that's a mechanical process and that in itself is not a bad idea but that doesn't negate the need for hand-washing, it doesn't negate the need for physical distancing, it doesn't negate the need for people to stay at home if there's a stay-at-home order in place,” said Ryan.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:51 pm

interesting these college studentas went to cabo and came back and many had corno. and yet the hotel they were in and the airline says no-one reporting being sick.

At least part of the Texas group stayed at the luxury Pueblo Bonito Los Cabos hotel, two people familiar with the arrangements told Reuters.

So far 49 students among the group from University of Texas at Austin have tested positive for the coronavirus upon their return to the United States, according to the university.

Viva Aerobus said it has followed strict sanitary measures to prevent infection on its routes.

No passengers showed symptoms during the flights to and from Los Cabos, Viva Aerobus added. After the notification from the University of Texas, the airline said it pulled its crew from duty and put them under observation.

None of them have thus far presented symptoms of the coronavirus.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:02 pm

this can help and let these people go back to work.

Cellex becomes first company to land FDA Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 serology testing
The test was designed to identify specific antibodies in order to detect if a patient has had coronavirus in the past.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty DIY ventilator concepts

Post by dean Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:54 am
Columbia DIY Ventilator Challenge

UF researchers designing ventilator completely from hardware store items

What you should know about DIY masks and ventilators
Could these DIY ventilators stop coronavirus from killing people?

D.I.Y. Coronavirus Solutions Are Gaining Steam


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:31 am

What you should know about DIY masks and ventilators

Regardless, Davies wrote in a recent summary of her team’s findings that social distancing, hand-washing, and the avoidance of face touching are by far the most effective ways to protect society, adding that masks should be a last resort that is meant to prevent “an unavoidable risk of exposure.” (Here’s how long coronavirus lasts on surfaces and in the air.)


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:23 pm

Well seems i got the peak rate date where it would decrease by 30 percent correct from school closures, i am pretty sure I put that on the chart the day schools closed..    17 percent to 12 perrcent is close to 30%.  And appears I was correct about Cabo coming in and being a spoiler for Mexicos numbers as they are appearing to look like usa-spain-italy-NY numbers.       Cabo can be a complete disaster due the nature of the close contact nature and the transient core of its businesses.    We may need to pull out cabo from Mexican numbers to just let us know their efforts are paying off.   Not much you can do when the cabo is tourist 99% economy.    Well they have closed off hotels so Cabo could begin to drop in 2 weeks, but it could be a nasty one till then.     Cabo does not have a large base of real locals born there, many or much of the work force of cabo is transient Mexico people who came because there are decent pay jobs in cabo.     These persons may not have the pride of a town like LaPaz and end up not following the directives at a high enough level.  I think I said this before but cabo alone could be half to equal all of Mexicos numbers that we presently have.  

And the death rates are starting to escalate as I said they would till they hit the 200 to 300 range when the school closing effect will take place to flatten that curve.      

Coronavirus and viruses 4-410


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:17 am

Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission
on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Routes of transmission

COVID-19 is transmitted via droplets and fomites during close unprotected contact between
an infector and infectee. Airborne spread has not been reported for COVID-19 and it is not
believed to be a major driver of transmission based on available evidence; however, it can
be envisaged if certain aerosol-generating procedures are conducted in health care facilities.
Fecal shedding has been demonstrated from some patients, and viable virus has been
identified in a limited number of case reports. However, the fecal-oral route does not
appear to be a driver of COVID-19 transmission; its role and significance for COVID-19
remains to be determined. Viral shedding is discussed in the Technical Findings (Annex C)
My add in China they found a patient had taken a long bus ride maybe 8 hours, the trackers got the bus film and located all the people on the bus and found very few of them were sick, the infected person was in the back of the bus and one person in the middle of the bus isle seat fot sick and only the people close to him tested positive.   So it is not as easily transmitted by air as one would envision.      Also if it was that easy entire planeloads would always be succumbing to flus yet I rarely get sick when flying and no one would fly if it was found it was that easy to be infected.  From this article, it also notes that 78-85% is family spread.

Household transmission
In China, human-to-human transmission of the COVID-19 virus is largely occurring in
families. The Joint Mission received detailed information from the investigation of clusters
and some household transmission studies, which are ongoing in a number of Provinces.
Among 344 clusters involving 1308 cases (out of a total 1836 cases reported) in Guangdong
Province and Sichuan Province, most clusters (78%-85%) have occurred in families.
Household transmission studies are currently underway, but preliminary studies ongoing in
Guangdong estimates the secondary attack rate in households ranges from 3-10%.

and lastly, when studying the H1N1 it was found that there was a 30% drop in spreading when schools were closed.    So I conclude the following, a person in a house gets it, they may be asymptomatic, the entire family gets it, the person with a job goes to work and co-workers who are in close proximity toch something that person touches, like he hands them a pen, they water cooler button, , coffee pot handle, elevator button.      That person goes home and gets their family sick by door know to home, the child gets infected and is asymptomatic and goes to school and during gym gets hit in the face with a ball and throws it and another catches it and that child thows it and so on so all the kids get it.    They take it home and again the entire family gets it.    mom or dad go to work and it goes and goes.

bus example

These findings, from a group of official researchers from Hunan province investigating a cluster case, challenge the advice from health authorities around the world that people should remain apart at a “safe distance” of one to two metres (three to six and a half feet).
Their work was based on a local outbreak case on January 22 during the peak Lunar New Year travel season. A passenger, known as “A”, boarded a fully booked long-distance coach and settled down on the second row from the back.
The passenger already felt sick at that point but it was before China had declared the coronavirus outbreak a national crisis, so “A” did not wear a mask, nor did most of the other passengers or the driver on the 48-seat bus.
Several passengers became infected during the four-hour bus journey.
Several passengers became infected during the four-hour bus journey.
China requires closed circuit television cameras to be installed on all long-distance buses, which provided valuable footage for researchers to reconstruct the spread of the virus on the bus, whose windows were all closed.

Coronavirus and viruses 2367f83c-61fc-11ea-8e9f-2d196083a37c_972x_161511


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:04 am

Zika combat plan to contain spread of coronavirus in Rajasth ..JAIPUR: The strategy which the state government had adopted ..

Read more at:

Read more at:


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:03 pm

Prepare a bleach solution by mixing:
5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon of water or
4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:48 am

RE: the remembering thing, I actually had a small spray bottle hooked to my pockets as i walked into the stores when I was going out. This always reminded me to wash. Right now I do not go to any stores now that there are the deaths in LaPaz. I am waiting to see the numbers a bit more, my freezer is full i have 30 days supply of everything, and could stretch it to 90 with the rice and beans. I have a bidet so been using less toilet paper than most. And do have some younger people around to do some shopping for me if need be.

Ya as I walked down store isles and forget and touch something I use my spray bottle right then and there. Overkill perhaps. I now use hydrogen peroxide in the carry around spray bottle. I have spray bottles that I have repurposed from cleaning solutions almost in every room with a 2% bleach solution (mixing instructions on cdc site)

good forecasting site
Interactive Stanford website models various COVID-19 containment methods

Should you wear a mask to protect from the coronavirus?
We talked to a respiratory doctor to make sense of the confusing messaging coming from the Trump administration on whether you should wear a mask to protect you from the coronavirus.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:32 pm

good tracking map though just usa

social distancing is the key , tracking movement by cell phone

Yesterdays numbers not I see why they have gone to stricter measures, a small uptic with the possibility of the easter holiday coming.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:33 am

mexico uses random samples to determine outbreaks.    As we know the same is done in the USA called polling for elections.    It is relatively accurate.  

Coronavirus on the border: Why Mexico has so few cases compared with the U.S.

China giving Mexico supplies and testing kids 50k of them.   appears they have arrived.

Here are yesterdays numbers
Coronavirus and viruses 3-3110

Wearing masks can give false safety effect, says WHO


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:17 pm

I put hand washing stations at both of my entrances that are foot-operated, one at the drive-in gate and one at the walk-in gate.     I used a gate spring found at home depot a few dollars and water shut off valve and some wire and tubing.   Come take a look at them.   Very simple.   a few hours each to set up.  

A suggestion, make sure you have a bottle of soap and water mixed in your car, I use a  2 liter soda bottle.    And another for rinsing of just water.    And a towel in the car.  When you get out of your car rinse your hands and door handle and when you get back to your car do the same including the door handle before entering the car.   I keep a change of clothing in the car too, and have had to use it one time.   Keep a mask in the car, just in case you breakdown.

I have bleach spray bottles, use the cdc recomendation which is about 2% or 4tsp per quart. I use the handsprayer for the bleach for countertop surfaces and other areas like fridge door handles. and i only use soap and water on my hands. 4tsp per quart. I have repurposed other spray bottles for this.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Epidemic Calculator

Post by dean Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:58 am

this is an adjustable, Epidemic Calculator

new york time data

good newsindicating social distancing works. thanks Canada.
Physical distancing has halved rate of spread of COVID-19 in B.C., official modelling suggests


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Message for U.S. Citizens: March 31 Virtual Town Hall for U.

Post by dean Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:28 am

Message for U.S. Citizens: March 31 Virtual Town Hall for U.S. Citizens with Ambassador Landau

Message to U.S. Citizens – U.S. Embassy Mexico City, Mexico (March 27, 2020)

Location:  Mexico

Event:  March 31 Virtual Town Hall for U.S. Citizens with Ambassador Landau

Please join U.S. Ambassador Christopher Landau for a Virtual Town Hall Tuesday, March 31, at 3:30 p.m. as he discusses the most recent Department of State travel advice for U.S. citizens in light of COVID-19 and answers your questions.

Take part by going to the Embassy’s Facebook page to watch the Facebook Live event.

Submit your questions by commenting on the event while it is happening or by sending them in advance to using the subject: “Virtual Town Hall” in your email.  We will do our best to answer as many questions as possible.

The U.S. government has no higher priority than the protection of U.S. citizens.  It’s essential that you are well informed and updated.  We look forward to answering your questions and providing you with our most recent travel advice.  In the meantime, you can learn more at the Embassy’s COVID-19 website and by watching this message to U.S. citizens from Ambassador Landau on our website.

Actions to Take:
• Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergenc
• The Department of State has issued a Global Level 4 Health Advisory for COVID-19.  In countries where commercial departure options remain available, U.S. citizens who normally reside in the United States should arrange for immediate return to the United States, unless they are prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period.
• Visit our Embassy webpage on COVID-19 for information on conditions in Mexico.
• Learn about the latest status of consular operations at the Embassy, Consulates, and Consular Agencies.
• Consult the CDC website for the most up-to-date information.
• For the most recent information on what you can do to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19, please see the CDC’s latest recommendations.
• Visit the COVID-19 crisis page on for the latest information.
• Check with your airlines, cruise lines, or travel operators regarding any updated information about your travel plans and/or restrictions.
• Visit the Department of Homeland Security’s website on the latest travel restrictions to the United States.
• Check Port of Entry wait times at the U.S. border and visit Customs and Border Protection’s latest updates.
• Call the Mexican Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 information hotline at 800 0044 800 for local information while in Mexico.  English-speaking operators are often, but not always, available.
• Visit the local government COVID-19 websites with advice for the general public and the most recent Ministry of Health notices for updated information.
• For Emergency Assistance for U.S. citizens in Mexico, call 55-8526-2561 from Mexico or 1-844-528-6611 from the United States.
• The U.S. Embassy in Mexico City is located at:
Paseo de la Reforma 305
Colonia Cuauhtémoc
06500, Ciudad de México
Phone: +52-55-5080-2000
Fax: +52-55-5080-2005
• State Department – Consular Affairs: 888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444
• Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
• Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.
• Follow the U.S. Embassy in Mexico on Facebook and Twitter.
• Review the Crime and Safety Reports for Mexico.
• Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations.  Review the Traveler’s Checklist.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty airbnb suggestions

Post by dean Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:13 am

airbnb suggestions for renters


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:17 pm

PSA Safe Grocery Shopping in COVID-19 Pandemic – UPDATED!!!

long one
Dr. David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City shares information in a Mar. 22 Zoom call with family and friends on empowering and protecting families during the COVID-19 pandemic.  He says absolutely do not go to doctors and hospitals in person if you are sick including high temperture.    ONLY go when you are short of breath. Not short of breath from a long or fast walk, but getting up and heading to the bathroom in your home.

The Tip of the Iceberg: Virologist David Ho (BS '74) Speaks About COVID-19
What should we be doing to limit the spread of this epidemic?
The social distancing and good hygiene strategies have been successfully applied, in South Korea for example, to bring their epidemic down. They're the only other country that has flattened the curve—slowed down the number of new infections to not overwhelm the healthcare system—and gradually brought this epidemic under control. There are many places that have done a pretty good job of not allowing the epidemic to explode, such as Taiwan and Hong Kong. These are places that had quite a bit of experience in fighting SARS, 17 years ago.

Last edited by dean on Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:03 am; edited 2 times in total


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:54 pm

Covid-19 positive with 200 guests at a wedding in Los Cabos

Coronavirus pandemic progresses in BCS: 1.6 cases per day! in Los Cabos

They cancel flights to San José del Cabo, La Paz, Loreto and Cabo San Lucas

Coronavirus and viruses Cbx10

Coronavirus and viruses 3-2510

Last edited by dean on Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:20 am; edited 1 time in total


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:41 am

Community Ambulance Update - Lupita the ambulance driver is isolated due to her husband's health situation, but that does not say that there is no ambulance / emergency service. Behind the delegation in El Sargento is our small base where 3 elements are in charge of the service to attend to any emergency.
We are available for non-COVID-19 related issues. For our health safety we ask that if there is any discomfort that the doctor of the health center can see you before us and can evaluate at the moment. And if it is a situation that merits immediate transfer, it will be done. The new numbers to call in case of need are (Stephanie) 612-137-6580 and (Abdiel) 612-220-3566: Stephanie PriCos


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:50 am

East Cape Health Center Announcement so many questions are surfacing about COVID-19 so I wanted to help clarify our protocols: IF you develop symptoms of headache, sore throat, dry cough, fever, muscle and joint pain ( more than normal ) let us know and we can advise you clinic: 624-124-8203/emergency: 624-160-1997. We have one room designated for screening anyone with infectious symptoms and we can rule out other infections or viruses with tests in our lab.
If you have traveled Internationally or in the US ( Washington, California or NY ) or have close contact with anyone who has tested positive, we can arrange testing if it is indicated. Just like everywhere in the world, Mexico has the capability to test suspicious cases and treat the symptoms at home. IF hospitalization is indicated Hospital H+ has reassured me they can handle hospitalized patients in regular rooms or ICU.
Please keep my number handy 624-157-0081 and if you have information for me please contact me by email:


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:47 am

For as many as 700,000 Mexicans, coronavirus could be lethal

I agree with him.    

‘Don’t stop going out or take exaggerated measures’: AMLO
'I will tell you when we have to stay at home but not yet'

good site for data

testing has no statistical relevance to solving the problem yet. It has to be done massively right away and in any NEW class of virus the tests will not be massive for many moons. I would assume 6 months to a year for the majority of nations.

How many tests for COVID-19 are being performed around the world?


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Coronavirus survives on surfaces for days, but what does tha

Post by dean Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:26 pm

Coronavirus survives on surfaces for days, but what does that really mean?


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:14 pm


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:59 pm

i have read there is coronavirus in our stool in some cases even after symptoms are gone.   No test on the toilet flush or proven but here is other research to be cautious, especially considering 80-90 percent of cases are within the family.....
ok, ladies, you win, you are correct.  we surrender on this one.... put the toilet seat down and make sure you have a spray bottle of 2 percent bleach before and after.  

ok, ladies, you win, you are correct...

Research suggests that toilet plume could play a contributory role in the transmission of infectious diseases. Additional research in multiple areas is warranted to assess the risks posed by toilet plume, especially within health care facilities.

Toilet plume
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A toilet plume is the dispersal of microscopic particles as a result of flushing a toilet. Normal use of a toilet by healthy people is considered unlikely to be a major health risk. There is indirect evidence that specific pathogens such as norovirus or SARS coronavirus could potentially be spread by toilet aerosols, but as of 2015, no direct experimental studies had clearly demonstrated or refuted actual disease transmission from toilet aerosols. It has been hypothesized that dispersal of pathogens may be reduced by closing the toilet lid before flushing, and by using toilets with lower flush energy.
Coronavirus can be transmitted through faeces, Chinese University study confirms, with experts suggesting stool tests as alternative screening tool
Some respiratory system specimens tested negative for Covid-19 but coronavirus was detected in faecal samples from all 14 patients in study
None of the urine specimens contained the virus, and it was only detected in the blood of four patients


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:10 am

I copied this from a post on the Cabo Expats page.
Los Cabos has set up a “Corona Virus Hotline” for all of greater Los Cabos. If you or someone you know begin to experience symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, headache, fatigue, dry cough or trouble breathing), please call right away and they will tell you what you need to do next. English speaking Corona Virus Hotline Number: +52 612 199 5386.


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Mexico

Post by dean Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:09 am

U.S. Embassy & Consulates
in Mexico
Global Level 4 Health Advisory

Embassy & Consulates

News & Events
Travel Restrictions Fact Sheet


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Coronavirus and viruses Empty Re: Coronavirus and viruses

Post by dean Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:54 pm

good chart showing worldwide cases deaths

Can these techniques be applied elsewhere? Is it too late in places like the United Kingdom and the United States?
Many epidemiologists and mathematical modelers who have been plotting the possible trajectory of this pandemic think there is no choice but to try some of the serious social distancing measures other countries have taken.

But Marc Lipsitch, an infectious diseases epidemiologist at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said the possibility of containment — stopping spread — through rigorous tracing of all contacts of known cases is not realistic. That window has closed, he said.

“I think one thing to learn from those experiences is that what’s appropriate when an epidemic is small and mostly ascertained is not appropriate when an epidemic is large and mostly not ascertained,” he said.

“I would say put in place as intense as possible social distancing and get the messaging from the White House consistent with that,” Lipsitch said. “Right away, everywhere, with the short-term goal of trying to reduce the … demand on the health care system.”

Any universities still in session should send students home, especially those living in dormitories “which are one step away from cruise ships in terms of density and poor ventilation,” he said.

Lipsitch said time is limited to make a difference.

“The data that we just assembled from Wuhan about the timing and magnitude of the peak demand for critical care shows first that it can very quickly — even without that many people being infected compared to the whole population — exceed per capita bed capacity in the United States,” Lipsitch said.

He noted there was a four-week lag between the shutdown of Wuhan and the overwhelming of critical care units. “So if you wait till you see a problem, then you have another month of agony, at least.”

It appeared that was the kind of message Britain was not heeding.

There was a huge controversy late last week when it seemed like the country intended to simply allow enough people to become infected so that the population would develop “herd immunity.”

Adam Kucharski, an associate professor of infectious diseases epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said it was never the government’s plan to drive toward herd immunity; rather, there was an acknowledgment that might be what happens because the virus could be so hard to control.

“It’s not been an aim to get everyone infected as soon as possible. It’s more this really tough situation we’ve got where the options we have are probably not going to be able to fully control this in the long term,” Kucharski said.

The country has now taken a swing toward the types of early and aggressive social distancing methods other countries are trying to implement. The government is urging people with even mild symptoms to self-isolate; but Kucharski worried that message was going unheard in the din about herd immunity.

The country, he said, was trying to save some of the more difficult measures — really stringent social distancing approaches that are hard to sustain over time — for closer to when they are needed.

“It makes sense to use them, given that they’re short-term measures, use them when they’ve got the most impact,” Kucharski said. “You can’t shut down your country for months.”

Rivers suggested that was a risky approach. “I think that’s a difficult thing to time. My recommendations for the U.S. context at least, is to begin social distancing measures early,” she said.

In the United States, a tepid early response — marked by a prolonged delay in ramping up testing and a White House that initially seemed intent on playing down the scale of the threat — has given way to a war footing.

This week the White House urged Americans to embrace social distancing by not taking part in gatherings of more than 10 people. In a number of communities, restaurants are closed to all but takeout or delivery service. Some states have closed schools. The country is on edge.

But with large-scale testing capacity still coming up to speed, it remains unclear how deeply the virus has embedded itself into the country, and whether the measures people and their local, state, and national governments are trying to adopt can slow the coronavirus’ progress.

It is also unclear how long communities can sustain the dramatic lifestyle changes that appear to be needed to slow the virus’s spread.

“Right now people are approaching this if they are basically sheltering in place for … a Minneapolis blizzard, lasting two or three days. And that’s the mindset that they have. Where, in fact, we need to look at this like a coronavirus winter, where we’re only in the first weeks of what could be a long season,” warned Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy.

“This could last easily many months. And we need to make our actions proportional to the risk in the community or else we run the risk of people just getting tired of them when that particular community has not seen increased transmission of the virus.”


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