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Blue whale Barriles

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Blue whale Barriles Empty Blue whale Barriles

Post by dean Sat Mar 24, 2018 9:57 pm

bpe wrote:b.  The world’s largest animal, the blue whale, is just a few miles from our Los Barriles shore and gracing us with it’s presence on  this calm, beautiful Friday morning. They can grow to be 100 feet long, the height of a 10 story building and weigh as much as 400,000 pounds. Their hearts are the size of a car and it’s beat heard more than 2 miles away. Their tongues the size of an elephant. They are bigger than any dinosaur that ever roamed the earth and known to live up to 100 years. They eat tiny krill to sustain their massive bodies, they summer in the polar arctic and winter near the equator separating our two hemisphers. But almost always they visit the East Cape, especially abundant with life sustaining sea life this season. At one time plentiful amongst the world’s oceans, as many as 350,000 a year were harvested during whaling times. Although now protected, it is believed there are approximately 15,000 in the world today – and one is here for us! See Baja’s Awesome Whales & Dolphins tomorrow for photos. See whales, Be Awesome!


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